How to write effective Research Methodology in Dissertation
Research Methodology Methodology refers to the plan, action, strategy, design and the process that lies behind the choice and use of a particular method. Research methodology is a phenomenon that typically explains the philosophy, approach, strategy, purpose, data collection and analysis methods and limitations of the research while accomplishing the research objectives (Dissertation Experts).
Research Philosophy Research philosophy being an important part of research methodology is categorized as ontology, epistemology and axiology. The selection of the philosophy depends upon the belief of the writer. The ontology deals with existence of entities and their relation within a hierarchy. The epistemology philosophy studies how the knowledge is produced, its scope and its nature. It is further classified as realism, positivism and interpretevisim. Axiology is concerned with the ethics and judgment. It seeks to understand the value and nature and reason behind any judgment. The writer can use these philosophies in accordance with the research topic (Research Methodologies Strategies Assignment Help).
Research Approach There are four basic types of approaches for research i.e. deductive, inductive, quantitative and qualitative. The deductive approach is used when the writer develops a hypothesis on the basis of existing theory and tests it by collecting evidence to check if it is true or not. In inductive approach first the observations are made and then the theories are developed from it. Similarly when the writer aims on analyzing the data which is in the numeric form, quantitative approach is used. On the other hand qualitative approach is used to focus on subjective component such as human behavior and their opinions.
Research strategy Research strategies can be used by the writer for collecting information and evidences to support the thesis. There are different types of strategies such as survey, case study, experiments, questionnaires and interviews. Sampling Sampling is the method used for taking samples from a large population. There are two types of sampling namely probability sampling and non-probability sampling. The writer can use these methods in different scenarios. Probability sampling is further sub divided into simple random, stratified random and multi-stage sampling. Simple random sampling: The probability of every sample unit to be chosen is equal. The samples chosen under this method are random. Stratified random sampling: In this method the population is divided into smaller groups known as strata and random selections are made from different strata. For example a population of students can be divided into different sections of science, chemistry and arts and random selections are made from each section. Multi stage sampling: This method divides the population into groups then random sampling is done between the groups. Non probability sampling does not involve random sampling. In this method the sampling units does not have equal chances of selection from a large population. It is used when the method for selection is already predetermined (Business Process Methodology assignment help).
Data analysis methods The goal of data analysis is to discover useful information for making conclusions and support decision making. There are two types of data analysis methods namely qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis is used when there is a need to dive deeper into a research by uncovering the trends in thoughts and opinions. Whereas quantitative analysis method is used when the data is in numeric form and the analysis is done by using statistical and mathematics methods.
Research Limitations These are the shortcomings of any research. It may include limited time, choice of the research area, limitations in choosing and implementing the methods for data collection. It narrows the scope of the research but cannot be controlled.