Google Online Learning Management System –
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We are living in the world where most of the things are accessible online. Earlier things were different but due to rapid development in information technology, this becomes possible. Various companies are working for this but Google is going at a fast pace.
Recently, Google has launched its classroom, an online learning management system to operate the modern classrooms. Google classroom is same as online classroom. It is beneficial for both students and teachers (Google Facebook marketing strategy). Students are using this for their online studies and teachers are using this for their curriculum. Useful for Teachers
- Google classrooms are using by various teachers to upload their respective subject assignments so that they can become accessible by students anywhere and at anytime.
- Most of the teachers upload videos of themselves in which they are teaching their subject lessons. This helps students to see the video later or whenever they required.
- This online classroom allows teachers to create customized assignments as per the requirement of each and every student. It helps them to understand all the topics and concepts clearly. All the students do not perform in the same direction. Some of them are high performers and wish to achieve more in their life; they want to understand the topic in detail. And some students required remediation only so we create a different assignment for them.
- All the teachers meetings are now done through Google classroom. Now all the teachers are not required to sit in one room to discuss anything. All the information and data is in front of their eyes. Teachers by looking at last year’s data and current year data are able to compare the things and can discuss about students overall progress and growth. They can prepare a list of students who are doing really well and who requires remediation.
- Now, teachers can easily share information related to students, curricular activities, projects and instructional strategies. Everything is available, whether it’s Maths, English, Science, Hindi, reading and writing, PSAT scores, ACT scores and many more.
- This great online learning management system has made teachers more efficient. To see whether homework was done by all the students or not, they just need to have a look at an online form. It gives them the required info.
- Now teachers can communicate to the students more easily. If they want to announce something, they simply post on it.
- If any change is done by any teacher to this online classroom, it will be saved automatically. And everyone can see this. Trends are also accessible in this data.
A proper training is required by the teachers to use this online learning management system effectively. So, Google Classroom training sessions are also conducted for them. Useful for Students
- Students used this online classroom to submit their homework, projects, reports, assignments etc.
- Students learn the way of interacting in a digital environment which is useful for them later or in their career. Their skills are improved on how to upload any file or to learn the correct way of participation in online discussion boards.
Overall, Google Classrooms are very useful and effective for students and teachers as well. It helps them in their academic growth and career.