Advance technology plays a crucial role in criminal justice and affects the communication capabilities of a specialized database. Through advance and new technology, courts or government can make effective decisions related to criminals and their activities. This paper discusses the technology effects on the communication capabilities of the specialized databases in criminal justice. This paper also discusses the comparison between Facial recognition and Iris scan in terms of technology combination. Furthermore, this paper also discusses the positive and negative effects of new technology on communication. In the end, discussion over new specialized technologies that might be helpful in communication is presented.
Technology Effects on Communication Capabilities
In today’s environment, technology provides greater access of database about the employees, customers as well as in the field of criminal justice. Using advanced technology in criminal justice also helps in developing an understanding about criminal records. It also supports in creating effective and positive communication and improves the communication capabilities in the specialized database in criminal justice. Through using advanced technology in criminal justices, the government can also gather useful information of individuals and take effective decisions (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2011). It is helpful to observe the activities of a suspicious person and create awareness.
Advance technology also affects the government’s knowledge in a positive manner and also improves the efficiency of the criminal justice system that helps the officers to continually make decisions about the individuals (Pattavina, 2005). This affects the communication process of all officials and criminal justice agencies in the country. Use of new and advance technology in criminal justice provides detail information and responses of people in a positive way to the governments or courts. With the help of advanced technology, justice courts can make effective and supportive decisions that will be helpful for them in future to minimize criminal activities as quickly as possible. In addition, new and advanced technology effectively store and record the database about the criminals that support the government of different region to make decisions regarding the criminal in a significant way.
Comparison between Facial Recognition and Iris Scan
The Iris scan technology provides 266 degree of freedom of the phase information across different persons or individuals. On the other hand, the Facial recognition provides only 15 to 30 degree freedom of the phase information across different persons or individuals. The facial recognition works through identifying people according to sections of face. The facial recognition mainly based on the eyes, sides of mouth, check bones, etc. On the other hand, Iris scanning measures the pattern in the colored part of eyes. The Iris scanning has more than 250 distinct features with 40 to 50 points for fingertips (Gregory & Simon, 2008).
In addition, Iris scanning process uses a devise to capture the image and software to process the image in effective way. On the other side, Facial recognition picks the unique characteristics of a human face and matching them against facial images in a data base. In this, Facial recognition method follows facial characteristics such as size of eyes, distance between the eyes, depth of the eye sockets, location of the nose, size of the nose, location of the chin, jaw line and size, position and shape of the cheekbones, etc. It helps the officers to recognize the individual and also helpful in maintaining effective database about the individual (Kim & Solomon, 2010).
The facial recognition uses two methods such as local feature analysis and Eigenface method to identify the people in effective way. The local feature analysis analyzes the relative distance between landmarks on the face. On the other hand, the Eigenface method looks the face as a whole and use 2D templates that represent the different characteristics of a face image. On the other side, Iris scanning involves a camera that focuses on the eyes of an individual and takes the images that support to enhance the knowledge about the individual (Gregory & Simon, 2008).
Positive Effects of Technology on Communication on Facial recognition and Iris scan
New and advance technology creates significant effects on communication process in criminal justice in facial recognition and Iris scan. By using advance communication technologies, it becomes easy to recognize a criminal face as any location and communicate about them. Government and people receive updated data and information about the individual in less time and low cost. It helps the governments or criminal justice agencies to make effective decisions about the individuals and recognize the faces of criminals. Through the computers and internet, government improves the communication process and make effective data base related to the individual that supports in making decision. A positive effect is also related to the improvement of efficiency of police because new technology provides the vehicles, communication tools, computers etc. (Cole & Smith, 2007).
Negative Effect of Technology on Communication on Facial Recognition and Iris Scan
There are also some negative effects of technology on communication. Failure of technology is the biggest negative affect and criminal also uses this technology to modify their face identity. If the devices of Facial recognition and Iris scan are failed, it impact on the database and create problems for the criminal justice agencies and government to maintain data base in significant manner. It also impact on the decision making process of governments or courts in negative manner. In these two methods, technology plays an important role in order to capture the image of individual and to proceeds it further to the other devices (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2011). If the technology is failed in these two methods, that will create problem for the governmental agencies in order to maintain the records of criminals.
Use of New Specialized Technology
In order to improve the recording of database and to improve the communication process, governments and criminal justice agencies should use DNA testing technology. In this, government should create DNA test of each individual and generate data facts that will support criminal justice agencies to make supportable decisions. DNA testing is also helpful because this testing has fewer errors that will be helpful for them to create supportive communication of specialized databases in criminal justice (Hess, Orthmann & Cho, 2011). With the help of DNA testing, police can also provide the evidence about the crime and criminal effectively and court can make right decision to punish him/her as per the law. It avoids the chances of errors.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that technology provides effective platform to the justice agencies to record and maintain data base of criminals. Facial recognition and Iris scanning method helps the governments to maintain supportive data and identify criminals. Failure of technology also creates problems for these agencies to effectively communicate about information and transfer data and recognizes the criminals. For this, government should use DNA testing to create effective communication process and distinguish the identity of criminals.