Human Resource Function Assignment Help | Human Resource Assignment Help In this human resource assignment help, we have suggested the human resource function which is most important to the overall success of the organization with one example to support your rationale of human resource function assignment help. For more understanding of human resource function assignment help, we explained the human resource management that is challenged by line managers in health care organizations and resulting organizational impacts of this challenge.

Most Important Human Resource Function The HR department of any organization works with many functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. From the all there is one function that is staffing in which management has to take care of all activities like employment, benefits, motivation, training and development . This function is kept most important place as associated people are the only entity that converts all planned things into reality. Basically, on the basis of a type of human resource an organization can achieve their goals. If management does not hire suitable human resource at every department then there is no hope for getting success of any planning implementation. Therefore, it only staffs function through which one organization can get success in every targeted area. Intel is the organization that largely emphases over staffing function; it takes care of every human resource within the organization regarding working environment, motivational aspects etc. Due to this aspect, Intel is achieving all the set objectives in a planned manner. Also, Intel has got a competitive advantage among HR area due to command over highly competitive and retained staff.
Challenging Function in Healthcare Organization Our human resource assignment help experts says that Healthcare organization is facing several problems in line staff. Line managers face high turnover or absenteeism is many healthcare organizations. Most of the time, the healthcare line manager challenged the controlling function of Human Resource Management(HRM). Due to heavy workload and mismanagement by line manager, HR department failed to manage staff in the workplace. This failure results high turnover and absenteeism by human resource due to dissatisfactory workplace environment. The incapability to maintain a staff for long-term creates many hurdles in the way of success of the organization. The unprofessional behavior of line manager creates problems to manage human resource effectively and efficiently.
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