Business Strategy Assignment Help On Best Buy: Best Buy Company is an American public company that is a specialty retailer of consumer electronics in the United States. Our assignment helper explained the following table shows internal as well external analysis of Best Buy Company:
Internal and external environments of Best Buy:
Internal Environment | External Environment |
Strengths: | Opportunities: |
Weakness: | Threats: |
competitive Advantages & Strategies of Best Buy: Best Buy Company has different competitive advantages. For example, first competitive advantage for the company is the costs. In today’s commercial era, price is a very important competitive advantage for the company, because company is providing the products at the cheaper prices. The second and also very important competitive advantage for the company is quality. As per this our strategies business assignment help experts said that company is providing electronic consumer goods with good quality. In addition, company has a strong market share in the business industry that is the competitive advantages for the company. At the same time, to achieve the competitive advantage regarding the price, company is using penetration pricing strategy. On the other hand, for the quality improvement, the company continuously focuses on the research and development & providing highly standardized and innovative products to the customers.
Value Creation: Best Buy creates the value by providing highly innovative & standardized products to the customers at the lower prices. In addition, company also builds strong customer relationships with the customers in order to create value. Apart from this, company also provides different value-added services to their regular customers to create the value and sustain competitive advantages through business strategy.
Measurement Guidelines: As per the changing business environment assignment helper , both Best Buy Company and Kraft Food are using significant and attractive measurement guidelines in order to verify its strategic effectiveness. For instance, to measure the strategic effectiveness, Best Buy uses cost-focused measurement guidelines that are driven by operational excellence. Apart from this, company also focuses on the quality of the product in order to measure the strategic effectiveness. For example, the company is providing high quality product to the customers by using different strategic quality tools such as: TQM (Total quality management) and six sigma. In addition, Best Buy Company also uses different CRM (Customer Relationship Management) measurement guidelines to verify its strategic effectiveness. Hence, it is estimated that company is using different measurement guidelines to corroborate its strategic effectiveness. In addition, it should also be noted down that measurement guidelines used by Best Buy Company are effective. It is because the measurement guidelines used by the company is customer-focused. Along with this, the measurement guidelines are well-grounded, articulated and used as a decision-making filter for leaders and employees throughout the organization. So, it is analyzed that measurement guidelines used by the company is effective and appropriate from the strategic point of view.
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