Business Strategy Assignment Help | Business Level Strategies Assignment Help Business strategy assignment help can be defined as such course of action of a company that it uses to face competition from its rivals in a given industry. By analyzing external environment, organizations are engaged to analyze their core competencies and opportunities that help to determine business-level strategies for delivering value and satisfying needs of target market. For better understanding of business assignment help we have selected the General Motors (GM) and the following business strategies are used by GM at its business-level: Cost Leadership: It is the one of the main business-level strategies that is used by GM to compete its competitors in effective

manner. It is a simple strategy that is to provide service and products at lowest cost in relation to other major players of the automobile industry such as Ford, Toyota etc. In order to imply this strategy, GM is engaged to improve internal efficiency of the operations by effective allocation and utilization of resources at operational level. This efficiency helps to reduce the cost of each resource that is employed by GM to build each unit of automotive product. Through this, GM is enabled to maintain above average return that provides effective floor from its products at less cost comparatively. By introducing state of art technology and facilities and by maintaining stiff control over production and overhead costs, GM business assignment help experts says that GM is engaged to improve efficiency and to reduce cost respectively. Such continuous efforts for reducing cost relative to the competitors play an important role to make GM as a cost leader. Differentiation: It is another strategy that is used by GM to achieve high market share comparatively. Unlike cost leadership, this strategy is aimed to create such value in product or service for which customers are ready to pay high prices as well. Non-price incentives such as quality, customers service etc. are used to attract and retain customers. GM is engaged to process such capabilities within its operations that differentiate its products in relation to competitors. By performing value creation activities, it enables to make its products identical and unique in nature. GM is engaged to create value by differentiating its products on demographic namely age, income, gender, socio–culture and psychological factors etc.
This company has created such separate product lines that make it enable to appeal different segments of a market at one time. Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Saturn etc. are some different models of GM that targets different segments. As per the assignment helper each model of GM is differentiated from each other and other competitors as well. Effective Strategy by the assignment helper Cost leadership and differentiation both strategies are used by GM to improve efficiency and reduce cost. Both strategies are quite different to each other in terms of efficiency and effectiveness that delivers great value to GM in this competitive business environment. It is because rather than a single strategy, combination of both strategies is essential to ensure sustainable growth of GM. Business-level strategies is main focus to attract and retain more customers in compare to other players in the same industry. In current business environment, customers are demanded unique automotive products at reasonable price that could be achieved through the combination of both cost leadership and differentiation strategies. With this, GM will be enabled to obtain loyal customers that are essential for facilitating long-term success to the firm. Due to an ineffective execution of both strategies on simultaneous basis, company may lose its grip from cost leadership and differentiation both that could affect suitability for GM negatively. Get business strategy assignment help from is aim to provide best and original strategy assignment help to our US,UK and Australian students. We offers the online strategy assignment help on each topic and your strategy assignment will be written by experienced Phd professionals. Please e-mail us your business Strategy assignment and your assignment help is just a click away!