An introduction is like a guide to the whole assignment. The background of the topic is provided through introductory phase. The writer can start the topic by giving interesting facts and quotations related to the topic. It usually contains the main purpose for writing the assignment. The important facts and figures related to the topic can be mentioned in the introduction part of an assignment.
If you are using any complex terminologies, the meaning of such words can be given here. But it is not necessary for all time to give definitions. When the definitions is been given, assistance can be taken from exerts rather than dictionary. Introduction part usually contains 10% to 20% of the whole assignment. The introduction is divided into 3 stages: general information, core information and at the end most specific information. While writing an introduction, try not to deviate from the main topic at any stage. As it the first impression that writer made in the eyes of reader.
It is essential to make an appropriate structure of introductory phase for good assignment. First of all, the brief description about the main topic must be given. Contradictory ideas of different authors about the topic can also be given. The writer must justify for what the reason the particular topic has been selected.
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You need to mention all the problems and controversies related to the topic in the introduction part. The writer must always write in a language which can be understandable by the reader. Examples and evidences related to the facts and figures also come under the section of introduction. The introductory phase sums up the main ideas of topic under one head.
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