Wal-Mart competitive and co-operative strategies – Assignment Help
Question:- Critically assess Wal-Mart’s competitive and co-operative strategies and its key components and how it helped in the company’s competitiveness
Answer:- The competive as well as cooperative strategy of Wal-Mart is mainly depending on the business strategy of cost leadership. The different key components have helped the company to achieve competitive advantage within the market place that mainly includes workforce, technology, logistics, sales as well as marketing. The business strategy of the company is also mainly focused to increase the focus over the customer services, to enhance groceries or retail stores as well as to enhance the flexibility for overall shopping experience of the customers (WalMart Company Analysis Assignment Help). The strong organizational structure has enabled the company to effectively implement and maintain the adequate policies within the company by which working experience at its different outlet has been improved in a huge manner. This has certainly given the competitive edge to Wal-Mart over the competitors by improving the operational efficiency and productivity for the company. The policies and facilities designed for the employees has also enhance their working experience and also motivated them to improve their performance levels that has also helped the company to enhance its competitiveness within the marketplace. The technological innovations like POS, performance tacking for stores, or satellite system has also improve the development process of the company and effectively enabled to monitor and analyse their competitors and accordingly develop the strategies in order to enhance their overall market share (Wal-Mart Business Strategies Assignment Help). The inbound logistics has also improved the supply chain system of the company and also make the operations of company more innovative as compared with the competitors within the retail sector. In addition, sales with marketing factors have also enabled the company to effectively promote their goods or services and enhance awareness among the potential customers.
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