We provide the case study assignment help of the following assignment case:
QUESTIONS 1. What are the potential costs to this lack or training? Why do you think the company operated in this manner?
QUESTIONS 2. What type of training would you recommend: OJT, classroom, or a combination? Describe what the training might entail.
QUESTIONS 3. What type of training environment would you provide?
QUESTIONS 4. Who would you get to do the training, and why?
QUESTIONS 5. Would you consider purchasing a training program for backhoe operators? Provide your rationale. Case study assignment help paper
Potential Cost There are various potential costs of lack of training to the company, if not considered timely by the management.
Employee Turnover: First is employee turnover, as due to lack of training, employee might feel dissatisfied at the job and left the job to find some other opportunities.
Loss of Efficient Workers: Second potential cost is the loss of efficient workers due to lack of concern for their job related tasks that can be fulfilled with effective training programs. For example, if the employees are not given training to handle the water lines properly, they would become frustrated and bored with their job and can leave the organization in future (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2004).
Low productivity and poor performance: Third potential cost to the company due to lack of training is low productivity and poor performance of employees. It is so, as due to lack of training, it would be not possible for employees to perform their duties and responsibilities as per the expectations. As a result of this, performance of employees would be hampered that further would result into low productivity.
Additional Cost: Lack of training may also damage the budget of the company due to hiring of additional workers for managing the job that is vacant due to loss of efficient workers.
Company Operations: The company operated in this manner due to lack of concern to provide training to the employees. Along with this, there is lack of willingness among the workers to learn new things. In other words, as per the case, employees and workers have taken the things for granted, so there do not put their efforts to learn effective and proper ways of doing things right at the very first time. Management of the company is also not concerned regarding improving the knowledge and skills of operators for the operations of a backhoe. Furthermore, lack of initiatives from management side regarding training sessions is another factor of such type of operations in the company. The complaints regarding training programs have been not raised by operators that are another reason of company operations. So, due to all these reasons, the company operated in this manner.
Type of Training: There are various training methods available to train the operators like classroom training, on the job, off the job etc. As pas the case scenario, the best training method would be on the job training method. It is so, as with this form of training method, operators would be given hands-on experience of dealing with water lines, identifying the levels of hydraulic fluid, handling with bucker lever and boom lever simultaneously etc (Kozlowski & Salas, 2009). Along with this, on the job training is cost effective, less time consuming and interesting to trainees as compared to other methods of training. This training might entail about the ways effective enough to handle the water lines without digging too much earth surface to the operators who are newly hired. It might also explain and train the backhoe operators on how to maintain the levers open while operating. Furthermore, this on the job training method might also train the operators about the key considerations needed to avoid any breaking of water lines, while digging the earth for operations. So, it can be argued that this on the job training program would reduce operational errors, minimize breaking of water lines and improve knowledge, skills and abilities of operators effectively.
Training Environment: Environment of training plays a vital role in achieving the set goals of training. So, to provide the training effectively, a learning environment would be provided to the operators of the company. As a part of this environment, materials, equipments, instruments, documents etc would be arranged in advance to avoid any loophole in the training program. It is so, as availability of required training material creates positive feeling among the trainees whether it is on the job or off the job training (Saks & Haccoun, 2011). Apart from this, the training set would be the workplace itself, so it would not waste time of trainees to go here and there to attend the training sessions. It would help the trainees to learn by doing or action that is considered effective from learning point of views.
Trainer: Existing, as well as newly hired Operators, would be the trainees for this training session. It is so, as these operators do not have proper understanding of managing backhoe operations like water lines (Saks & Haccoun, 2011). So, through this training program, the skills and knowledge level of these employees would be enhanced effectively. A trainer holds great place in any training program. Trainer for the training program would be well experienced and skilled personnel of the organization. In this case, trainer would be Bill Granger, as he has good experience of water line related operations. According to the data, Bill has only broken two water lines in his 15 years experience at the job. So, he would be a perfect trainer for the training program to train the operators about the management of water lines. Bill Granger will provide training on how to handle water lines carefully without breaking them and digging too much earth surface. It will help the trainees to learn the tactic and expertise needed to ensure proper maintenance of water lines.
Training Program: Yes, I would consider purchasing a training program for backhoe operators. It is so, as without having proper training program, it is not possible to effectively educate the operators about the key aspects that have to be considered while operating at backhoe for the company. Along with this, through a training program, the employees would be motivated to do their job with sincerity and dedication (Saks & Haccoun, 2011). This training program would also entail all the necessary do’s and don’ts for backhoe operators. By having a proper training program, it would be easy for the organization to address the cost related issues that might occur due to lack of training programs at the workplace. Furthermore, use of training program would also minimize employee turnover and maximize the productivity of the organization.
References: Kozlowski, S.W.J. & Salas, E. (2009). Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations. New York: Taylor & Francis. Rothwell, W.J. & Kazanas, H. C. (2004). Improving On-the-Job Training: How to Establish and Operate a Comprehensive OJT Program. (2nd ed). San Fransisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. Saks, A.M. & Haccoun, R.R. (2011). Managing Performance Through Training and Development. (5th ed). USA: Cengage Learning.
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