Strategic Management Assignment Help of Apple Company

Strategic Management of Apple Company Assignment Help

Introduction Strategic management refers to the identification and description of the strategies that can be followed by the management to achieve the organizational goals and objectives to gain competitive advantages (Rodrik, 2003). For this  strategic management case study help paper, Apple Company is selected that follows strategies management to sustain its competitive position and to gain competitive advantage in terms of increasing profitability level and customer base throughout the global market. Corporate strategies, growth strategies and goals of growth strategies will be discussed in the paper that are followed by Apple.

Corporate Strategy Apple follows consumer-delighting innovation corporate strategy to provide its products in the competitive marketplace. As a part of this strategy, the firm is dedicated towards developing and providing technological and excellent products to the customers to gain competitive position at the global level (O’Grady, 2009). In this, to differentiate from its competitors, the firm uses this corporate strategy in which employees are committed towards using their capabilities and experience for delivering the technically advanced products (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008). It created unique identity of the company in the industry and global marketplace. Additionally, as a part of this strategy, the firm appoints committees those are responsible to avoid the production of boring products or mediocrity (O’Grady, 2009). Following strategies are also used by the firm under its corporate strategy to ensure its growth: Horizontal Integration: This strategy is used by the firm to expand its business throughout the world market. Innovation and creativity are main elements of this strategy through which the firm provides its products (Hill & Jones, 2012). As a part of this strategy, products are introduced by the firm and offered into new regions and countries. This strategy helps the firm to increase its product portfolio along with business expansions into new area (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008). Vertical Integration: As a part of this strategy, the firm establishes direct contact with its customers via online or through Apple stores. Under this, the firm introduces various customer care and luxuries products directly to the customers (O’Grady, 2009). Apple Inc. is US based well reputed firm that produces personal computers, hardware and software in the global market. The firm has competitive position in the industry and wants to be leader within the industry through producing technically advanced products (About Apple, 2012). In this way, many advanced featured products are produced and included in its product portfolio as i-phone, i-pad, i-pod, etc. So, the main aim of the firm is to be everywhere in terms of using Apple’s products by everyone in the market (About Apple, 2012). So, competitive position at which each one can afford and have the organizational product is the wish of the management.

Growth Objectives Growth objectives for the firm are as follow:

  • To expand the business of firm at global level (Sadeghi, 2012).
  • Provide best experience to the students, professionals or users towards personal computing through providing innovative hardware and software (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008).
  • To provide products to each level of customers as middle and high class at affordable price (O’Grady, 2009).
  • To increase brand identity and profitability of the organization along with gaining competitive position (Sadeghi, 2012).
  • Increase core competence and technical advancement through using innovation and creativity (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008).

To achieve the above discussed growth objectives, growth strategies are followed by the firm that help it to sustain it in the market.

Growth Strategies To achieve the growth objectives, following growth strategies can be followed by the management case study assignment help : Merger: In this strategy, two firms agree to move their operations commonly in terms of existing as a single firm. This strategy is beneficial for increasing customer and market share (Hoskisson, Hitt & Ireland, 2008). Both firms may be in similar size or one can be small from other. Acquisition: Through considering this, the firm acquires the existed firms and buyer become sole proprietor (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). This is beneficial for the firm as it expands operations of the firm. Diversification: In this strategy, the firm expands its business into new market through offering new products (Hill & Jones, 2012). To innovate and enter in new market, this is one of the best growth strategies. Product development: When the firm provides new products into existing market, the strategy is known as product development strategy (Rodrik, 2003). To increase product portfolio, this is important and effective strategy. Market development: The firm provides its existing products into new market to increase market share and customer base throughout the market, is known as market development strategy (Hoskisson, Hitt & Ireland, 2008).

Selection of the Growth Strategy and its Contribution From the growth strategies, diversification strategy would be utilized for Apple. This strategy would be beneficial for the firm as it will support the innovation and creativity that are main part of its corporate strategy (Hill & Jones, 2012). It is because as a part of this strategy, the firm has opportunity to innovate its products in terms of introducing new features and technology in its products into new market. It would be beneficial for the firm to expand its market at global level (Schneiders, 2010). In addition of this, this strategy would be also aligned with the organizational corporate strategy in terms of supporting innovation and creativity to create relationship with the customers through providing new and advanced technological products (O’Grady, 2009). In addition of this our business assignment help said that, this strategy would be also aligned with the organizational strategic management in terms of increasing strategic capabilities. It is because diversification strategy has potential to increase feature or innovate something to attract the customers and to be different in the market (Hoskisson, Hitt & Ireland, 2008). Along with this, it also provides opportunity to enter into new market with its new products as it also leads to the use and implementation of the IT knowledge of its resources for providing new products with revolutionary IT techniques to compete with the competitors (Schneiders, 2010). Although it may be risky for the firm as it may be a reason of failure in new market in case of avoiding by the customers of new product, but the firm has global image as IT leader that reduces such chances (Sadeghi, 2012). So, it would be beneficial for the firm in terms of increasing organizational growth and success in the market along with increasing competence level of its resources. This strategy will help the firm to achieve its growth objectives in terms of providing base and supportive environment. It is because the firm has global image in the market that reduces the chances of failure of its products in new market (Cheney, 2010). In addition of this, opportunity to innovate will assist the firm to produce the product at lower price that is included as a growth goal of the firm. Additionally, this strategy would increase competence of its resources through motivating them to bring creativity and innovation for producing new and advanced products (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). Overall, this strategy will help the firm to follow its strategy as think differently and to be different in the marketplace (Cheney, 2010). It is helpful for the firm to design its products uniquely and effectively to attract the customers from wide segments. So, to increase customer base, profitability level, market expansion, product development and all other growth objectives can be achieved through using this strategy (O’Grady, 2009). Conclusion On the basis of above discussion by case study help experts, it can be inferred that strategic management assist the firms to ensure their competitive position in the world market. It is because it increases capabilities and core competence of the resources within the organization that helps to run the operations without any problem. It can be also concluded that diversification strategy would be beneficial for Apple to capture the competitive position and to be excellent in the marketplace.

References About Apple. (2012). Retrieved from: Cheney, S. (2010). Apple’s Incredible Efficient Growth. Retrieved from: Gitman, L. J & McDaniel, C. (2008). The Future of Business: The Essentials. USA: Cengage Learning. Hill, C. W. L & Jones, G. R. (2012). Strategic Management: Theory. USA: Cengage Learning. Hoskisson, R. E., Hitt, M. A & Ireland, R. D. (2008). Competing for Advantage. USA: Cengage Learning. Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, R. E. & Hitt, M. A. (2008). Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases. USA: Cengage Learning. O’Grady, J. D. (2009). Apple Inc: Corporations That Changed the World. USA: ABC-CLIO. Rodrik, D. (2003). Growth Strategies. Retrieved from: Sadeghi, S. (2012). Defensive Strategy – Apple’s Overlooked Key to Success. Berlin: epubli. Schneiders, S. (2010). Business Deconstructed – Apple Inc. Germany: GRIN Verlag. If you are looking for case study assignment help and business assignment help then you can send us your assignment. Our business experts ensure you that you will get original and complete assignment help services of all subjects. The main future of our business experts is that they have fifteen years experience of writing assignments help for the students of US, UK and Australia. Students who need management case study assignment help can touch with our 24X7live support system or can send e-mail at