Stock Market Trends Assignment Help Growth Trends in NYSE & AMEX NYSE is also known as the New York Stock Exchange (Jakob & Ma, 2004). On the other hand, AMEX is also known as “American stock exchange”. AMEX was integrated in NYSE on Friday, January 16, 2009. There are several trends over the last fifteen years in the growth of the NYSE & AMEX. Like, trading volume at the NYSE rose from an average of 100 shares per day to 5000 ten billion shares per day. This is major trend for NYSE. In addition our case study help experts says that, the rise of oil and steel industries also influenced the growth of NYSE.

Along with this, the options and financial futures markets also raise in NYSE during this period. This raise in the financial market clearly reflect the growth of NYSE stock exchange. Non-Exchange instruments such as: limited partnerships, penny stocks and junk bonds were included in the NYSE stock exchange. The surge of computerized information delivery systems was also a major trend in the NYSE. Hence, it is analyzed that there are different trends & development over the last fifteen years in the growth of the NYSE. AMEX added options on interest rate and stock indexes. In addition, a number of exchange traded funds had grown in popularity that was listed on the AMEX. This was a significant trend in the AMEX. In the more efficient market, AMEX adopted electronic system. Additionally, the AMEX started to conduct a review of a listed company’ communication materials. Hence, these several trends show the growth of AMEX.
Growth Trends in NASDAQ NASDAQ stands for “National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation” (Chung & Hrazdil, 2010). NASDAQ has also experienced several growth trends such as: extended hours of Trading, rapid Growth in U.S. Listed Options Contracts Traded and the Growth in NASDAQ’s Market Share of U.S. Listed Option Contracts. RSI (Relative Strength Index) was above 50. This was a sign of an uptrend for NASDAQ. Extended hours trading includes both pre-market and after hours sessions each day the market is open. Extended hours trading allow investors to act quickly to news and events that occur when the regular market is closed (Köksal, 2010). In addition, an increase in the market share of NASDAQ by 17% in 2008 was a significant trend in NASDAQ. The increase in the number of equity options contracts traded in the U.S was another trend in NASDAQ.
Future Trends/Conclusion Thruogh technical and fundamental analysis, an individual can interpret the trends. As per the fifteen years trends of NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock exchanges, it is estimated that the growth rate of these stock exchange market will be increased. Additionally, the market capitalization power of the different stock market will also be increased due to the growth of future of option and future market instruments. For instance, most of companies are expanding their business through the merger or acquisition, foreign direct investment and globalization. It would impact on the growth of different stock market like, NYSE. So, different stock market would increase their profitability and productivity due to the growth of globalization. Along with this, the trading volume at the stock exchanges would be also high, because of high involvement of different sector’s companies. The financial market would also increase due to the availability of non exchange instruments in the market. Hence, it is estimated that NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ would grow in the future as per the last fifteen years economic trends. How to get stock market trends Assignment Help with You can get our business assignment help services of any topic by following four steps : 1. First Send us your assignment 2. We will provide you free quote of your assignment 3. Confirm your assignment with us 4. Get 100% Original assignment help on time If you still have any query then you can call us or e-mail us at any time at