Selection of Data Assignment Help | Data Examination Assignment Help
Qualitative Data: Position of employees is selected for the qualitative data. Position represents the total number of hourly employees and salaried employees in American Intellectual unions. In position data, sample 1 represents the hourly employees and sample 2 indicates the salaried employee (Employee Selection Human Resource Assignment Help). Quantitative Data: Intrinsic job satisfaction data is selected for quantitative data. Intrinsic job satisfaction data represents the job satisfaction level of employees. Job satisfaction of employees is measured between 1-7 scales. Scale one interprets the least satisfaction of employee, while scale seven indicates the most satisfaction level of employee.
Reason for Data Selection Position is effective for qualitative data because it indicates the total number of employees with overtime eligible and no overtime eligible employees in American Intellectual unions. Position data represents the fixed salary and hourly wages employees that helps the analysis of variances in salary of them. It also indicates the fluctuation in employee expenses and working hours. Intrinsic data in quantitative data is beneficial to analyze the job satisfaction level of employees. Employee job satisfaction is essential aspect for working condition of a company. Intrinsic job satisfaction data represents the employee satisfaction of the job, while extrinsic job satisfaction indicates the employee satisfaction on external things related to the jobs such as office locations, working environment, organizational culture, colleagues or management behaviors, etc. Intrinsic data represents whether the employees are satisfied with their job or not, so selection of this data is effective for this research.
Learning by Data Through examining the position data, it is found that most of the employees in American Intellectual Union are hourly employees. Only approx 27% employee are salaried base (Statistical Data Assignment Help) and other employee are hourly based. Highly overtime employees indicate that companies or union can prefer to overtime eligible employees to effectively complete the project. On the other hand, through analysis of intrinsic job satisfaction data, it is evaluated that most of the employees are satisfied with their jobs because with above 5 scale overall there 44 employee in the total 64 employees. Examination of qualitative data indicates that American intellectual union protects its employee effectively that contributed to increase the satisfaction level of them. Highly overtime eligibility enables the employee to earn more and improve their living standard that also contributed to increase the satisfaction level of them.
Measure of Central Tendency Mean represents the average of all number, while mode indicates the most repeated number often than other number. On the other hand, Median is the middle value of data (Media selection assignment help). Central tendency measure is a single value that is used to identify the central position within set of data. Position qualitative data mean, mode and median is 1.27,1 and 1 respectively that indicates that most of the employees in American intelligent unions are hourly based. In position data, 1 represents the hourly employees and all three measures of central tendency are approximately equal to 1 that indicates most of employee are overtime eligible. Intrinsic data central tendency measures mean, mode and median are 5.02, 5.2 and 5.25 respectively. Above 5 central tendency measures represents that most of the employees in American intelligent unions are satisfied with their jobs.
Variability Measures The variance and standard deviation both are used to measure the spread of the distribution in the mean. The variance is the arithmetic average of the squared difference between the mean, while standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The standard deviation and variance are not always measurable for qualitative data. In the position qualitative data, standard deviation is 0.45 and variance is 0.198. Position data standard deviation is close to 1/2 that indicates the equal amount of hourly employees and salaried employees. It cannot indicate the actual results, so it is not applicable in qualitative data (Selection Process Online Assignment Help). The position graph below also indicates the sample size differences between hourly employees and salaried employees. In this case, central tendency measures represent the actual results. On the other hand, intrinsic job satisfaction quantitative data variance is 0.55 and standard deviation is 0.74 that represents the description in the ratings. These measures are appropriate for quantitative data because these provided a broad idea of the sample ratings or description of data. The below intrinsic graph also represents the highly variance in data, so standard deviation method is most appropriate in this situation rather that central tendency measures.