Get critical thinking assignment help with example from your personal experience in applying critical thinking to a work-related decision.
Example of Applying Critical Thinking:
I am a nurse by profession and work at a private clinic of city. Before one week, I applied for leave to attend a personal function of my relatives. I got approval for my leave and on last working day, I observed that two of my staff members were absent due to emergency. So, I decided to stay for long time at the clinic to help my colleagues in completing their daily operations and activities at the clinic. During observation, I saw that one patient who was recently admitted had some respiratory problem.
The patient belonged to other department of staff member, who was supposed to take care of him during his working hours, but he was absent that time. So, I decided to help the patient in solving his respiratory problem. After analyzing the severity of the situation, I decided to put oxygen mask for the patient to ensure his safety and care. In doing so, I applied my critical thinking by ensuring my logical judgment, rationale, independent thinking, action-oriented style and clear thinking based on expertise to help the patient. With these critical thinking skills, I resolved the problem of patient and provided him immediate care that was needed at that time. All these practices took my extra time that day, but I approached the situation very wisely. I considered the importance of time element in critical thinking needed for patient care and applied that help the patient.
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