Management of Criminal Justice Personnel: Criminal justice personnel management is the supervision and leadership of criminal justice system by administrating law enforcement agencies, correctional institutions, probation departments and criminal courts. In this concern, different organizational effectiveness theories such as motivational, leadership, MBO, etc. are useful to manage criminal justice personnel. According to motivational theory, there is a need to recognize the growth and maturity of employees with the help of flexible and effective management strategies.
These flexible approaches with motivational factors can be useful in managing criminal justice personnel. Apart from this our assignment helper said that, it is also essential to provide a work climate by police managers for the officers in order to develop maturity both as an individual and as a member of department. It can be helpful in bringing improvements in work unit morale among officers and in small-scale services. It is also applicable to motivate other workers of criminal justice process such as correction officers, court personals, etc. In regarding to this, criminal justice personals possess different motives and values that can influence their public service and self interests. Their performance and activities should be appreciated and remunerated by implementing effective motivational tools.
Criminal justice administrators can build effective approaches to evaluate the performance of the officers and to reward them by implementing employee recognition programs. In leadership theory, it is recommended that there should be a participative approach to manage the criminal justice personnel. The leadership can set different values and motives for the subordinates in order to bring best output of services in this department. In police departments, patrol officers and correctional officers in prisons have a long experience and can provide valuable and effective insights and values that can be useful in guiding the leadership decisions. The leaders can implement feedback mechanism that can be beneficial in managing criminal justice process by identifying gap in performance of officers. Additionally, management by objectives theory is also applicable in management of criminal justice personnel. MBO can be useful to motivate the management employees to improve their service outcomes and efficiency of service delivery. Effective management by objectives can be created by enforcing laws and other regulations in order to manage the criminal justice process.
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