Moral Philosophies and Ethical Principles of Starbucks Assignment Help
The moral philosophies of this organization comprise that business take care of the partners and employees look out to the business. For example, all the partners of Starbucks obtain health insurance, holidays and pension fund. Mostly, these things are not regularly getting by the partners in USA. In addition, these things are provided to 100 preferred employees.
In addition, economic philosophy is also impressing, because organization buys coffee-beans directly from the farmers. They also believe in having personal roasting houses that reduces production cost of the organization. The philosophy of Starbucks also considers that workers of Starbucks shops are the partners for the organization. The employees should attempt for 4-week training that increases dedication of job, quality and customers services. Moral principles define the ethics of an individual as well as group behavior. Starbucks is an organization that establishes various moral ethical behaviors of the employees and consumers.
These principles help the organization to make happy and enlightening consumers and employees. The principle of empowerment is applied to convey brilliant customer service. It expects that employees do right things and carry an honesty business. Respect and dignity are other moral principles that are used by the Starbucks to treat its customers. These create and promote unique abilities and strengths of the organization. Moral principle includes the provide safety, healthy workplace for the employees to work in the effective manner. As a leader, there are some changes can be made in the organizational climate/culture. There can be some specific rules and regulations are required to improve the organizational efficiency.
In the conclusion, Starbucks has ethical environment for its employees, customers and suppliers. The personal values, mission/vision statement and code of manager guide to provide ethical practices. Organizational values, mission/vision statement and code of ethics are effective in success of the organization. In addition, Starbucks performs social responsibilities in the effective manner by using natural resources. It also uses manufacturing standards to complete social responsibilities and to support social responsibilities. Ethical analysis and training program appropriate to determine climate of Starbucks. Get 24X7 assignment help services from our experts. You can first check our quality then you can confirm your assignment with us.