MNC’s Challenges Assignment Help Future Challenges for MNC’s
The US based companies that are seeking expansion of business in overseas in the next five years will be characterized as having highly innovative, broad level of supply networks, effective cross-cultural management, more
productivity, oligopolistic structure, Global strategic partnerships, wholly-owned subsidiaries, effective operational & marketing strategies and profitability. In addition our MNC’s case study analysis assignment help experts said that these companies will have huge capital, effective separate legal status, expert management, multiple operations, international operation centralized control and transfer of resources such as advanced technology, skilled staff, professionals, raw material, etc.(Spero& Hart, 2009). Theses US based companies may face several political, economic and technological challenges. Changing structure of the global economy, the increasingly rapid global diffusion of technology and declining of US technologies & manufacturing preeminence are the major economic and technological challenges that US based companies may face. Along with this, growing technological and manufacturing sophistication, the changing distribution of global economic & financial power and the growing importance of export are the other important economic and technological challenges that these companies may face in the international market. It is because of technological up gradation and fast growing global market. On the other hand, these companies may face the political problem in the global market such as: changing structure of political rules and regulation of different countries. In addition, with the help of systematic improvement in organizational decision making, by improving customer satisfaction and to reach consumers directly and by using technological advancement, these US based organizations may overcome political, economic, and technological challenges at the global leve.
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