Mission Statement Assignment Help How significant are mission statements to organizations and their publics? Why or why not are they important? Please provide an example. As per assignment help experts, a mission statement is an articulation of the company to its customers, employees and entire world for the purpose of its
Company has to have a clear mission that communicates with the public through explaining about the benefits of its business. An ideal mission statement inspires the employees of the company and enables them to see the value of their contribution to the firm’s success.
It gives the information to public about the purpose of Company’s business and indicates its values for doing business. Customers can also form a connection with the firms due to values outlined that they share. It is a natural human instinct that people like to work with others that they like and agree with. Developing a comprehensive mission statement is essential for the organization because divergent views of managers can be revealed and resolved through the process.
A mission statement is a very useful tool to define business’s purpose, activities and values. Mission statement is also intended to provide motivation, inspiration, direction, an image of the company’s character. It also provides a set of attitudes through which, actions are guided. For example, mission statement of Apple Inc. is “Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.” This statement shows that Apple always tries to provide simple, powerful, high-quality information products for people through innovative changes.
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