Ethics Dilemma in Marketing by Marketing Assignment Help Experts: Marketing is often discussed as a term that satisfies customers’ needs and wants by addressing them in a positive manner. However, it is also criticized that sometimes marketing can be unethical in terms of creating unnecessary customer’s needs and wants that is detrimental to the society in the opposite of its nature.
It is because firms advertise their products ineffective and attractive manner that directly strokes to the mind of customers. It creates a desire among the customers to own the things that are not necessary for them. It is found that to attract the customers and retain them for long period, marketers create and develop attractive products. For this, firms prepare effective marketing strategies to provide sufficient information to the customers about organizational products that can deliver value and satisfaction to the customers. Various terms are concerned with the marketing such as price, features of the product and quality. According to the needs and wants, customers purchase products of the particular firm.
So, it can be stated that marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of consumers. But at the same time marketing experts, it is also found that marketers present their products through television commercials and advertisements that create needs in consumer minds, whether they have a requirement for that product or not. It is because the interesting mix of words and phrases increase attention of the customers towards the firm that is known as. Similarly, it is also assessed that sometimes, firms put forward many offers to attract the customers that create an unnecessary desire among the customers to purchase the products. For example given by online marketing assignment help, to sell the products of the firms, free offers are offered by the firms to the customers such as buy one get one free, free inspection, free service, free trial, free installation, free estimates, free parking, free demonstration and free consultation that create unnecessary desire among them. Free offer works as a powerful catalyst that springs buying decision of the customers to purchase that even though they do not need that product.
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