Management’s Operations Decisions Assignment Help
Description of Business In this management case study assignment help, there is a fictitious business that employs 100 workers in
order to produce 6000 units of output per month. In the business, the workers work for 20 days in a month. In order to create effective business in the market, company provides wages to the workers at the rate of $70 per day. The firm output price is calculated at the rate of $32. Company calculates the cost of other variables inputs at $2000 per day. The marginal cost of the last unit was $30 in the company. Also our business assignment help experts says that in order to provide supportive and effective advice, company was hired a managing consultant that helps the company to make decisions regarding operations and productions.
Environmental Scan The environmental scan of the fictitious company is as follow: Political Factors: Political factors create greatest impact on the business. Political factors are related to the position of the political parties in the country, where the company operate its business. Relationship with the political parties or government of the country also impact on the business and operational activities of the organization and also influences the decision making process (Herzog, 2010). Economical Factors: Economic factors also influence the decision making process of the company and provides the directions to continue or discontinue the operational activities of the organization in the particular country. Economic factors related to the economic condition of the country in which the company operates. Country’s stock market position, labor, wages etc. are some important factors that influence company’s decision making power in negative way (Bensoussan & Fleisher, 2008). Social Factors: Social factor is also a considerable factor that influences the decision making process as well as plant operations of the company. Social factors are related to the trends and taste of the people or customers in the particular country. This influence the production as well as decision process of the company. Social factors also include the race, gender, income level of the people in the country. It also influence the decision making process of the company and the decision about to continue or discontinue the operations (Henry, 2008). Technical Factors: Technical factors related to the communication channels, facilities to support organizations to operate business and availability of latest technology in the country. If the company does not find any facility in the country, it will impact on the plant operations and management’s decision to continue or discontinue the operations in the country (Lorat, 2009).
Environmental Factors: Environmental factor is also an important factor that influences the plant operations and management decisions to operate business in a particular country. In this, the management decisions are influenced from the environment protection laws and regulations. These laws and regulations also impact on the plant operations in the particular country (Bowhill, 2008). Legal Factors: According to the business law case study assignment help professor, legal factors are concerning the rules, acts and regulations related to the labor, wages, and legislation of the particular country, where the company operate its business. Some legal rules and regulations create the problems for the company in the country that influence its management decision making processes and plant operations in the market (Lorat, 2009). After analyzing the environmental factors, it can be concluded that all the environmental factors plays an important role and influence company business and decision making processes in negative and positive manner. In which, economic factors plays an important role and creates a greatest impact on plan operations and management’s decision to continue or discontinue the operations.
Evaluation of Financial Performance The financial performance of the fictitious business is good in terms of achieving profits of $12000 per month. It is because company’s total output is $192000 per month and the wages and other variable inputs are $18000. It helps the company to earn profits of $12000 per month in the market. Company’s variable inputs are also low that support the company to earn profits in the market. Company’s production process is also good that helps the company to reduce its costs in the market. In the company, 100 workers produce 6000 units per month that helps the company to achieve revenue of $192000. It supports the company to achieve profits in the market for the month.
Particular | Amount (In $) |
Total Output (6000* $32) Less: Wages (100*$70*20) 140000 Variable Inputs ($2000*20) 40000 | 192000 180000 |
Profit | 12000 |
Recommendations In order to improve the profitability, company should use new technology in production processes. It can be helpful to motivate employees to provide their best in the production and increase the profitability of company. With the help of using new and advance technology in the production and operation, company can also be able to reduce its costs in different activities. Additionally, it can also be supported company to increase its profitability in the market, as new technology will increase productivity and stress of workers (Torok & Cordon, 2002). To implement the recommendations, company should develop a plan in which, company should provide the fund to the purchase department to purchase new and advance technology based machinery. According to the processes, company should purchase machinery from the vendors through the negotiation process. After that, company should implement new machineries in the company and provide training to the employees about the machinery. In the training session, company should provide the information about how to operate the machinery and how to create maintenance of the new machinery in the company (Gell, 2012). With the help of these activities our assignment help teacher said that company will be able to increase in its profitability in the market.
Circumstances to Discontinue Operations There are several circumstances that influence company and impact on the operations. If the workers pressurize the company’s management to increase in wages, it will be a critical situation for the company that will create problems and influence the management’s decision making process. If in the company, the other variable inputs cost increases, it will create problems for the company by increasing cost. It will also impact on the profits of the company to influence the company to discontinue the operational activities in the market (Alexander, Britton & Jorissen, 2007). Governmental rules and regulations will also create problems for the company and motivate the management to discontinue the operational activities in the market. It is because, in particular country, some rules and regulations are not fit with the company’s operational activities that influence the company’s management decisions (Langdon, Bonham & Epstein, 2011). It will lead the company to discontinue the operations from the country, which is an adverse affect in company’s performance. References Alexander, D., Britton, A. & Jorissen, A. (2007). International Financial Reporting and Analysis. USA: Cengage Learning EMEA. Bensoussan, B. E. & Fleisher, C. S. (2008). Analysis Without Paralysis: 10 Tools to Make Better Strategic Decisions. USA: FT Press. Bowhill, B. (2008). Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting, Strategy, and People. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Gell, S. (2012). Determinants of Earnings Forecast Error, Earnings Forecast Revision and Earnings Forecast Accuracy. USA: Springer. Henry, A. (2008). Understanding Strategic Management. USA: Oxford University Press. Herzog, C. (2010). Strategic Tools in Dynamic Environments: A Framework. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Langdon, K., Bonham, A. & Epstein, L. (2011). Interpreting Company Reports For Dummies. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Lorat, N. (2009). Market audit and analysis. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Torok, R. M. & Cordon, P. J. (2002). Operational Profitability: Systematic Approaches for Continuous Improvement. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Please e-mail us your assignment and get best and original business operations assignment help from our assignment experts