Training and development is an important part of human resource development that is designed to enhance fulfillment and performance of employees. Training is a learning process that involves acquisition of knowledge, skills, behavior and attitudes. It is an important activity within the organization that leads to skilled behavior of workforce. This business assignment help research paper is mainly based on management development techniques that are used by the organizations for training and development purpose (Shen, 2005).
Management development can be described as process that is not only useful to learn and improve skills of managers, but also for the employees of the organization. The management development process is the type of management learning because it is a planned process. The main purpose of the research is to explore management development techniques that are useful in training and development. The management development methods have greater significance in training and development in terms of optimum utilization of human resources, development of new skills in employees, improvement in productivity and performance, develop team work sprit, create healthy work environment etc. In this paper, there will be a discussion of different techniques that are useful in training and development of managers as well as employees. Along with this, the implications of research for further studies and business firms will be also discussed in this paper.
Literature Review Management Development Techniques In current business environment, most of the organization’s design management development programs to acquire and develop different types of managerial skills and knowledge in their employees.
According to Fee (2001), the techniques of management development programs are divided into two categories that are: on job development methods and off job development methods. The author stated that management development through training is a vital part of today’s management system to improve performance and operational efficiency of workforce. The change and development are two main factors that contribute to the increased need of training and development in organizations. At the same time, Kathawala & Wilgen (2004) also stated that the adoption of effective management development methods influences performance of the firms due to development of new skills in workforce. The success of training and development programs depends on organization’s objectives, use of suitable management development techniques and evaluation programs to appraise effectiveness of methods. There are number of management development techniques that can be utilized for training and development purpose.
Some of them along with their roles and importance in training and development are discussed below – On the Job Training Methods:
Job Rotation: According to Say, Toker & Kantur (2008), job rotation is an on the job method in which trainees are rotated over various jobs in a department or division at regular intervals in a planned manner. The author stated that this method promotes creative thinking in employees due to a rich experience in a variety of matters. Additionally, job rotation technique is also helpful to identify most suitable position for executives on the basis of performance during training period on different departments. Along with this, this method helps the manager to learn different aspects, roles and responsibilities of variety of jobs that plays an important role in overall development. On the other hand, Mumford (2002) stated that job rotation upsets or disturbs routine working system within the organization due to transfer of trainees from one job to another job or sometimes from one branch to another. The writer also told that this method can increase cost of the organization due to additional developmental costs as well as loss of work during job rotations.
But overall, job rotation is an effective training and development technique because there may be significant long-term benefits from this method. Coaching: It is also an on the job type of method that is used by the managers or organizations to train and develop existing as well as new employees. As discussed by Robinson (2010), coaching refers as a process in which all trainees are placed under a senior manager or external expertise to develop new skills and increase knowledge. Along with training, this method also provides opportunity to employees in order to interact with high level managers or executives that help to develop managerial level skills. The writer stated that this method is more effective if the supervisor has sufficient time to provide coaching or training to their subordinates. At the same time, Pardey (2007) stated that there are some factors such as coaching coasts, standard of teaching, conflicting goals and lack of proper supervision that can effect purpose of training and development programs. Along with this, this method needs to hire external expertise to provide coaching because of effectiveness of this method mainly relies on ability, skills and knowledge of trainer. So, it creates additional costs for the organization due to services of external trainers for training and development programs. Multiple Management Method: According to Klink & Streumer (2002), multiple management method refers as a system in which an advisory committee of senior managers or executives discusses issues or problems to find out solutions.
This method is useful for training purpose through involvement of trainees in meetings and sessions of committee to develop problem solving as well as decision making abilities. They also stated that as compared to other on the job methods, it is relatively inexpensive and required less time from senior management. Along with this, multiple management method also helps the organization to identify employees who have managerial skills and capabilities of an effective manager. But on the other hand, Lyons & Mattare (2011) argued that this management is only suitable for middle and higher level management not for lower level employees. This is the main drawback of this technique in training and development programs. They also stated that multiple management system does not permit any specific attention to training needs of managers due to limited scope. Action Learning: According to Banks, Farmer & Sandelands (2011), actions learning is a powerful tool of learning that is widely used by the organizations for the purpose of training and management development. At present, there are number of firms such as Samsung, GE, Microsoft, Boeing, Motorola, Nokia, Alcoa etc. that uses action learning approach for training and development of employees.
Under this approach, a particular problem or issue is given to individuals who participant in training in order to solve on the basis of their understanding, skills and abilities. The exercise is useful for the firms to develop problem solving and decision making skills in their executives and other employees (Gary, 2010). Additionally, it is also a useful process to develop leadership qualities in trainees by providing opportunity to work on different real-world business problems that beyond the usual area each one’s expertise. Along with this, this training method is also useful for management to address challenges or problems by developing problem solving ability in managers. As discussed by Banks, Farmer & Sandelands (2011), Microsoft uses to develop innovative learning programs to encourage innovation among employees as well as solve complex issues and problems.
Off the Job Training Methods:
Role Playing Method: It is the concept of more practical situation as compared to other management development techniques. Role-playing is a training and development method in which different roles like production manager, quality controller and supervisor are assigned to participants or trainees to develop required skills and abilities of these positions (Sogunro, 2004). In today’s environment, most of the organizations utilized this method in their training and development programs, because it is useful to develop interpersonal interaction and relations among participants or employees. Along with this assignment help, role-playing method is also useful to examine role as well as performance of each one who participate by the comparison of performance before and after the training program (Shen, 2005). At the same time, there are some disadvantages of this method such as potential impact on routine works, time-consuming, lack of emphasis on theoretical foundation etc.
That can affect effectiveness of training and development programs (Kathawala & Wilgen, 2004). But overall, role-playing is a unique management development technique as compared to others due to its potential to transfer theoretical concepts into practical knowledge. Simulation Method: As discussed by Hurn (2011) simulation is a virtual medium that can help to develop various types of skills in managers and employees by providing training in supportive environment. Under this method, a model room is set up and used to provide training in order to develop new skills and abilities. The writer stated that simulation method is also useful to develop cultural awareness about organizational working cultural in new employees. This method engages trainees more directly and actively in training programs to learn new skills as well as abilities (Oermann, 2004). Along with this, it is more future oriented training technique than others because it is not only concerned to trained exciting employees, but new employees. On the other hand, Lyons & Mattare (2011) stated that simulation method as teaching model costs too much to the organizations due to requirements of considerable amount of time to store, arrange, maintain and clean equipment.
The writers also stated that a single error from the trainee may result in destruction of resources that can affect training programs. Lecture and Presentation: It is one of the best training techniques because it presents and explains a range of facts, concepts and principles that help to improve knowledge or learning. According to Suutari & Viitala (2008), under this method, discussion, presentation, case studies and audio-video aid are used to provide training to a large number of employees in order to improve their learning. It is a useful method to train a large group of trainees as well as present overview and scope of subject clearly. The author stated that this method is simple and inexpensive for training and development purpose due to involvement of a large number of participants and main focus on basic skills. At the same time, Pardey (2007) argued that this method may be ineffective if trainees are unprepared, inattentive, non-reactive and indiscipline. Along with this, if presentation is not interesting, participates will feel discouraged that affect purpose and goals of training and development programs. The writer also told that it is a time-consuming way to train and develop new skills due to requirements of more number of lectures and presentations by the senior managers or external experts.
Management Game Method: Klink & Streumer (2002) stated that management or business game is also an effective way of learning through creating several teams and dynamic role for each one. It is a classroom simulation exercise in which different teams of employees compete with each other to accomplish given objectives. This method helps to develop team workability in individuals by assigning roles related to different parts of the business. For example, one team is concerned with sales while other teams with production or marketing to make a decision on the basis of discussion. Our business assignment help writes also discussed that business game method is helpful to teach trainees how to take management decisions in an integrated manner as well as how considers each factor in the decision-making process. Along with this, this method helps to promote greater interaction among employees due to participation in corporate decision marking and competitive grope processes. On the other side, Martin, France, Franc & Zounková (2004) stated that this method is relatively expensive due to development and running of different teams. Additionally, management game method can affect effective of training programs because of mixing of roles, low involvement of senior managers and team stress.
Implication of Literature: In order to succeed in global competitive environment, there is a need for the organizations to regularly organize training and management development programs for developing new skills and abilities in their employees according to market requirements. The outcomes of the literature review provide a valuable base to understand role and important of different management development techniques in training and development programs. Most of the implications of the literature review are made from already made practical implications of studies. The above literature review is also helpful to understand advantages as well as disadvantages of using training and development methods to the organizations. Along with this, this research also provides useful information that simulation, action learning and presentation are more applicable methods in organizations as compared to others techniques. The research paper provides also useful information about strategic roles of management development techniques in business. For example, Microsoft and Samsung both use action learning approach to teach their employees new skills and develop innovativeness.
At the same time, there are some areas related to training and development that are important but does not discuss in above literature. Some of them are as follows:
- Process of management development.
- Schedule of training programs.
- Objectives of management development (Say, Toker & Kantur, 2008).
- Needs of management development and training.
- Principles of management development.
- Selection of suitable techniques (Shen, 2005).
All these are some important areas that play an important role in the success of training and development programs of an organization. Conclusion From above discussion and literature review, it can be concluded that training and development techniques are useful for the organization to develop new skills and abilities in order to compete with competitors. From literature review, it is summarized that coaching, action learning, job rotation, multiple management, role-playing, simulation and management games have greater significance for human resource department to provide training as well as improve leanings of employees. It is also concluded that the organization should focus on each area of management development and trading to ensure effectiveness and success of tracing methods. you can also get management development case study assignment help from our experts.
References: Banks, S., Farmer, M & Sandelands, L. (2011). Microsoft leaders excel through action learning. Training & Management Development Methods, 25, pp. 1.23-1.26. Fee, K. (2001). A Guide to Management Development Techniques: What to Use When. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Gary, D. (2010). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Content, Competencies and Applications. South Africa: Pearson Education. Hurn, B.J. (2011). Simulation training methods to develop cultural awareness. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(4), pp.199 – 20. Kathawala, Y & Wilgen, A. (2004). E-Learning: Evaluation from an Organization’s Perspective. Training & Management Development Methods, 18, pp. 5.01-5.13. Klink, M.R.V.D & Streumer, J.N. (2002). Effectiveness of on-the-job training. Journal of European Industrial Training, 26(2/3/4), pp.196 – 199. Lyons, P & Mattare, M. (2011). How can very small SMEs make the time for training and development: skill charting as an example of taking a scientistic approach. Development and Learning in Organizations, 25(4), pp.15 – 19. Martin, A., France, D., Franc, A.M.D & Zounková, D. (2004). Outdoor and Experiential Learning: An Holistic Approach and Creative Approach to Programme Design. USA: Gower Publishing, Ltd. Mumford, A. (2002). A Guide to Management Development Techniques. Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 34(5), pp.198 – 198. Oermann, M.H. (2004). Annual Review of Nursing Education, Volume 2; Volume 2004. Germany: Springer Publishing Company. Pardey, D. (2007). Coaching and Training Your Work Team Super Series. UK: Routledge. Robinson, E. (2010). The use of literary techniques in coaching. Journal of Management Development, 29(10), pp.902 – 913. Say, A.I., Toker, A & Kantur, D. (2008). Do popular management techniques improve performance? Evidence from large businesses in Turkey. Journal of Management Development, 27(7), pp.660 – 677. Shen, J. (2005). International training and management development: theory and reality. Journal of Management Development, 24(7), pp. 656-666. Sogunro, O.A. (2004). Efficacy of role-playing pedagogy in training leaders: some reflections. Journal of Management Development, 23(4), pp.355 – 371. Suutari, V & Viitala, R. (2008). Management development of senior executives: Methods and their effectiveness. Personnel Review, 37(4), pp.375 – 392.
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