Dealing with the Situation
In this situation, the leader has found lack of flexibility and a slow decision-making process in many of the departments. It is a crucial problem for the organization that it is not serving the customers well as per their expectations to satisfy their needs and demand. The leader should develop change in the organization by making an effective plan. This change should be planned in the steps rather than making overnight (Linley & Harrington, 2010). Leader should involve the managers of every department to provide the way for involving the decisions of lower level employees. As per assignment help experts, These decisions will be helpful to be more effective in various roles of leader and managers.
The leader should make more accountable employees to acquire more input from the employees. The management teams of the organization require changes in the accountability for improving the knowledge of managers. The knowledge of managers can be improved by providing training about how the consumers can be served in the effective manner. The training for managers should also be provided along with the empowerment tools that make them able to train others in the organization (Goethals, Sorenson & Burns, 2004). The organization can arrange small teams to solve the problem of flexibility. The leader can deal with this situation by following above suggestions by case study experts.
Leading or Managing
The management can implement the change in the organization by leading or by managing the situation. Leading is the process that relies upon the passion, heart and personal charm to involve followers, whereas managing involves controlling and executing actions such as staffing and budgets (Wang, Jen & Ling, 2010). Managing is submissive to the leading, because a best manager can be the greatest leader. Leading is quite different from managing, because it is limited to the production line, but not in the boardroom (Middlewood & Parker, 2009). The leadership influences every level of the organization in both positive and negative terms. On the other hand, management can only be found in the administrative level.
The leaders and managers have different perceptions, because managers believe in doing things right, whereas leaders consider to do right things. A great leader and best manager have a different focus in the organization. It is because, managers look inside the organization towards every individual with different style, goals, needs and motivation. On the other side, a great leader looks outside the organization towards competition, future and alternative routes forward (Tomlinson & Imbeau, 2010). In this situation, leader focuses on the consumers to serve them well and the managers can provide the goal and motive to the employees for improving performance of the organization. The organization can make better relationship with its customers for growing with the success.
Decision to Lead or Manage Change Initiative
In today’s business environment, change in the organization is growing vastly over the last three decades. The CEO of the organization wants to change the initiatives by leading and managing to solve this situation. As a consultant, it is suggested that CEO should manage this change initiative. It is because, managers manage the situations, but the leader only deals with the change. Managing change is important for the organization that is based on some principle of change management such as sponsorship, planning, measurement, engagement, and support structures etc (Anderson & Anderson, 2010). CEO wants to develop integrity and engender openness and trust in the change program and practices that can be built up by applying all these principles in this situation.
Arguments to Persuade Managers
In this situation, the CEO can use some arguments that can be helpful to persuade the manager of every department. He can emphasize on the above direct and indirect benefits that managers can obtain from the empowerment and decentralization of decision making. He can argue on the broad sense of increasing productivity and efficiency of the organization (Gennard & Judge, 2005). In addition, he should make aware about the motivation and less work load on the managers due to decentralization of decision making.
The CEO can persuade the managers by arguing on the stress. In this, argument on stress is the fact that will be reduced by making the team based and empowered organization. The team based and empowered organization will be helpful to the managers due to minimum supervision as well as improve the performance of the organization (Green & Howe, 2011). Overall result of team based and empowered organization will help to generate more revenue and profitability to the organization. Increment in the organizational profitability will provide more incentives and benefits to the managers as well as all the employees.
Ways to Change Style of Managers
In order to change current managerial style, the management consultant can help the managers by organizing training session and team building exercises of employees within the organization on regular basis. These training session and exercises can help the senior managers to prepare employees for adopting desired changes. In this way, team building approach can also help the manager of the organization to promote team based culture as well as workers participation (Byrnes, 2008).
Along with this, by using the services of external human resource experts, the management consultant can help the managers to change existing management process and managerial style of managing employees. This way can be helpful for the senior managers to promote participation of employees in the management process in order to increase flexibility and decision making process of different departments of the organization (Anderson & Anderson, 2010). At the same time, there are some other ways such as by creating awareness for need of changes, by developing required skills and behaviors within the employees; managers can change their current management styles.
Implications of Action and Decisions
The above described actions and decisions of CEO have significant implications for the organization in order to promote employees participation, improve flexibility of management process, and effectively dealing with current situation. The training of employees and managers is significant for the organization to solve the problems related to flexibility in decision making process, current leadership style, and management of employees. In addition, the decision of CEO related to making of team based and empowered based culture within the organization can help to improve the performance and create effective coordination among the employees and management (Anderson & Anderson, 2010). Along with this, there are some other decisions related to hiring of external human resource consultant, manage change initiative, and promote employees participation are significant to improve performance of the organization.
Recommendations to the CEO on the above Analysis
In this course of action, the role of a management consultant is determined that consulted about the different management and leadership challenges. Some suggestions are provided to the CEO to serve better services to its customers by changing as an effective team based and empowered organization. The CEO should involve effectively all the levels of employees in the decision making that will help to decentralization of the decision making power (Daft & Marcic, 2010). In addition, he should be aware about the personal developments of each employee that will motivate them to perform better in the organization.
At the same time, CEO should consider the consumer relationship management in the organization that will be helpful to make a strong and long-term relationship with its current and potential customers. So, in this way, the consumer base of the organization will be increased (Hutt & Speh, 2009). The CEO should empower the employees on the basis of their skills and knowledge to get more output. He should make a steeped plan to implement this change in the organization.
Anderson, D. & Anderson, L.A. (2010). Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today’s Transformational Leaders (2nd ed.). USA: John Wiley and Sons.
Anderson, D. & Anderson, A. (2010). The Change Leader’s Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization’s Transformation. (2nd ed.). USA: John Wiley and Sons.
Byrnes, W.J. (2008). Management and the Arts (4th ed.). USA: Elsevier.
Daft, R.L. & Marcic, D. (2010). Understanding Management. (7th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Gennard, J. & Judge, G. (2005). Employee Relations. (4th ed.). London: CIPD Publishing.
Goethals, G.R., Sorenson, G.J. & Burns, J.M. (2004). Encyclopedia of Leadership. USA: SAGE .
Green, C.H. & Howe, A.P. (2011). The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook: A Comprehensive Toolkit for Leading with Trust. USA: John Wiley and Sons.
Hutt, M.D. & Speh, T.W. (2009). Business Marketing Management: B2B. (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Linley, P.A. & Harrington, S. (2010). Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work. USA: Oxford University Press.
Middlewood, D. & Parker, R. (2009). Education Leadership for Social Justice. Great Britain: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Tomlinson, C.A. & Imbeau, M.B. (2010). Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom. USA: ASCD.
Wang, F. U., Jen, S. C. & Ling, T. M. (2010). Effect of leadership style on organizational performance as viewed from human resource management strategy. African Journal of Business Management, 4(18), 3924-3936
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