IP Definition
According to Silva et al. (2018), the Internet Protocol (IP) refers to the method or manner in which data is transferred from one computer to another through internet. On the internet, each computer, called host, has minimum one IP address which helps in uniquely recognizing it among all other computers on the internet. Thus, IP is the basic protocol in the Internet layer of its own package of communication protocols which contains four layers of abstraction such as: Internet layer, link layer, application layer, and transport layer. In the view of Xu et al. (2018), IP is a protocol without having wired connection. It indicates that IP has no continuing link between its end points which communicates. Each packet which goes through the Internet is termed as an autonomous unit of data without having association to any of the data units. These packets are placed and travel in the right order due to TCP which is a connection-focused protocol monitoring the sequence of packets in a message.
In the model of Open System Interconnection, Internet Protocol exists in third layer which is Networking Layer. The primary function and objective of Internet Protocol is to send the datagram from the source host called source computer to the destination host which is a receiving computer system operating through their addresses. In order to make the process successful, Internet Protocols cover the structures and methods for putting tags such as address information (an element of metadata) within the datagram. This process in IT is known as encapsulation.
IP History
Dritsa et al. (2018) has found that the Internet based protocols or IP were basically invented in the late twentieth century. Many of these were initially devised as ax source to create a link between the mainframe computers in order to allow timesharing. For this trifling objective, the system was established and extended as an international multi-media communication and information system which connects phones, PCs and hundreds of millions of devices, rather than a few systems anticipated by the early inventors. The parts of the system were devised twenty years back and the Internet is needed to carry out different activities which were not included in the original design. In the opinion of Piñón et al. (2018), IP was connectionless in the past, in the Transmission Control Program designed by Bob and Vint in 1974. Therefore, Internet Protocol (IP) package is sometimes referred to as IP/TCP. Although it was established in 1970s, it was widely accepted since 1980s. As a result, TCP/IP had hit its first major issue in the beginning of 1990s when it appeared that the numbering process was about to run out of numbers in the coming future. Therefore, after many years of efforts, version 6 of TCP/IP was launched in s1995. Although the adoption of this version of IP was slow, it proven to be an amazing system. In addition to this, Wang et al. (2018) has observed that simple Message Transfer Protocol or SMPT was introduced in 1980s, which was a basic standard for email and operated in the times when Interne was honest and small. As a consequence, more than any other systems, e-mail has undergone a lot many different protocols and improvements, each of which has been implemented by the community of Internet email. This characteristic not to espouse standards is a quality of IP which makes it capable to deal effectively with the changes. Kuwait Telecommunication Assignment help
IP Types
According to Xu et al. (2018), following are some key types of IP:
File Transfer Protocol or FTP
File Transfer Protocol is a type of IP which enables transfer of files from one system to another system. FTP is primarily used for uploading a web page to a web server to make it appear on the WWW or World Wide Web. A special program, know as a client, is frequently required to use File Transfer Protocol.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol or HTTP is another type of protocol which is used by web server to enable web pages to display on a web browser. Since most of the web browsers have the ability to use FTP and view web pages, the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol assist the browser what type of information to anticipate.
Telnet is a type of IP which lets users to sign in to a distant computer just like they would if they were there. Thus, any operation that they would be able to run from the remote computer if they were sitting in front of it, they would easily use it from the computer they signed in from.
Gopher is a type of IP which offers downloadable documents with related content description to make it simple to locate the document that the user is looking for. These files or documents are organised on that distant computer in a hierarchical order just like these are on the local system’s hard drive. Although Gopher is not extensively used anymore, but it can still provide some ready-to-use gopher sites for the users.
IP Strategies
In the opinion of Christ et al. (2018), now-a-days, companies have become large and diverse. Hence, the IP strategy requires incorporating strong principles for management communication and management across the organisations in order to ensure that there exists an overall consistent and reliable approach to resolve IP problems. This is where either internal committee or a sound relationship with an IP firm can be of worth. IP strategy meetings on the regular basis help the users significantly. Thus, an IP strategy should include a rigorous ownership policy, a publication policy and related pattern contracts. It should also include a training policy to boost the knowledge of rational property with the research personnel along with the sources to support them to share IP problems to their business arm.
IP importance to telecommunication sector
Piñón et al. (2018) has stated that telecommunication was known only in terms of telephone or telegraph in the earlier days of the evaluation of internet. It was used to be considered as an application of technology which enabled everyone to interact through voice throughout the world. Later on, the protocols for communicating through internet were devised by the Internet Engineering Task Force. It deals with the wired as well as wireless networking while International Organization for Standardization deals with other types of networking. The ITU-T deals with the telecommunication protocols and structures for the public switched telephone network. Ammar (2018) argued that IP in telecommunication sector has offered quick and clear communication among third parties such as suppliers, employees, contractors, partners and customers. Therefore, today in every organization, IP policy ensures proper inclusion of following interactions:
- employment contracts
- succession planning
- Key Person insurance
- award schemes (for employees)
- documentation protocols
- confidentiality agreements
- development agreements
- licenses
Kuwait IP situation
Popovic (2018) has observed that in Kuwait, Viva Company offers managed Voice over Internet Protocol service over terrestrial links and satellite in order to ensure an effective communication process. The Viva Networks service is designed according to a VoIP solution which is completely examined to deliver high quality experience with no minimal jitter and interruptions, no echo, least delay, and an improved call experience as compared to other services in the market. Also, Viva Networks promotes both single and multiple lines while providing direct savings with compared to traditional fixed or satellite telephone expenses. Furthermore, it allows an overall VoIP service at every service level; a full-featured PBX process and desktop phones as well. Viva Networks also provides neighborhood calling into center of Kuwait. Viva Networks controls network services by creating a business-oriented communications network in far-off areas. The well managed network services of Viva reduce the in-house network management resources while supporting requirements to emphasize on managing the business core activities.
Silva, B.N., Khan, M. and Han, K. (2018) Internet of things: A comprehensive review of enabling technologies, architecture, and challenges, IETE Technical Review, 35(2), pp.205-220.
Popovic, M., (2018) Communication protocol engineering. USA: CRC press.
Ammar, M. (2018) ex uno pluria: The Service-Infrastructure Cycle, Ossification, and the Fragmentation of the Internet, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 48(1), pp.56-63.
Piñón, D.A., Gómez, D.D., Smalley Jr, R., Cimbaro, S.R., Lauría, E.A. and Bevis, M.G. (2018) The History, State, and Future of the Argentine Continuous Satellite Monitoring Network and Its Contributions to Geodesy in Latin America, Seismological Research Letters, 89(2A), pp.475-482.
Christ, C., de Waal, M.M., van Schaik, D.J., Kikkert, M.J., Blankers, M., Bockting, C.L., Beekman, A.T. and Dekker, J.J. (2018) Prevention of violent revictimization in depressed patients with an add-on internet-based emotion regulation training (iERT): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial, BMC psychiatry, 18(1), p.29.
Xu, Y., Wang, G., Wei, S., Blasch, E., Pham, K. and Chen, G. (2018) High-throughput, cyber-secure multiuser superposition covert avionics system, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 33(2), pp.4-15.
Wang, L., Lehman, V., Hoque, A.M., Zhang, B., Yu, Y. and Zhang, L. (2018) A Secure Link State Routing Protocol for NDN, IEEE Access, 6(1), pp.10470-10482.
Dritsa, K., Mitropoulos, D. and Spinellis, D. (2018) Aspects of the history of computing in modern Greece, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 40(1), pp.47-60.