International Business Assignment help on Control System Controlling System to Regulate International Business In order to regulate the international business, organization has to follow certain rules and regulations. Due to the intense growth
in international business, government has placed different controls that organization has to use in order to regulate international business. Controls in international business vary according to the time, society and culture. Controls in international business are divided into two parts such as public regulation and public control (Faculty of Economics and Business, 2007). In order to do the international business, organizations have to follow the taxation rules and policies defined by the local government to enter in international market. Business firms have to pay the import and export duties to the government. Apart from this assignment help, organizations also have to be standardized while doing the production of goods and services. Business firms are not allowed to produce the goods and services without the standardization. This rule has been developed in order to protect the interest of customers and also lead to economic development. Moreover, companies also have to follow the environmental regulations of various countries, where they operate its business (Kline, 2005). Business firms have to make optimum utilization of resources and reduce the wastage. Further, companies should also reduce the pollution and wastage in order to make the overall environment healthy. Protection towards the environment is helpful in providing welfare to the society. It is identified that organizations have to follow certain legal barriers in order to enter into market within the country. These barriers are public monopoly, franchisee, competitors, changing culture, etc. that creates a challenge for domestic firms. It is analyzed that overall performance of the country is majorly dependent on the type of control that are implemented on certain business. There are different type controls such as price control, exchange rate control, wage control and interest rate control that affect the functioning of domestic and international market. Thus, organization has to frame the strategies according to the controls in international market. While doing the international business, if organization has the membership of WTO and EU, company has to follow the rules accordingly. In order to conduct the business, market economy is governed by the rule of law (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2007). According to rule of law, government regulates economic behavior of business firms. It is also identified that market friendly legal system in transition countries should also have set of adequate laws, effective institutions and advocacy to promote market values and discipline. Therefore, organizations have to identify different rules before starting the business in international market. In the domestic countries, exchange rate control also play an important role in doing the business in international market. Changes in exchange rate affect the working of international business. Organization has to indentify the exchange rate in order to earn the profit through international business.
Further, domestic firms also have to identify the exchange rate in order to import the products from outside country. Additionally, interest rate control is also important in task of international business. Both international and domestic firms have to pay the excise duty and quotas in order to do the import and export of goods and services. While formulating the organization structure, business firms have to design efficient coordinating and reporting system to ensure that actual performance should conforms to the organizational goals and standards (Zimmerer & Stockert, 2012). Organizations also have to develop effective monitoring and controlling system in its structure, so that they are able to sustain in the international market. It is analyzed that following the controlling system of international business is helpful in achieving the goals and objectives effectively. Thus, before doing the international business, domestic and international firms have to understand the rules and regulations of government. References Czinkota, M.R. & Ronkainen, I.A. (2007). International Marketing. USA: Cengage Learning. Faculty of Economics and Business (2007). Retrieved from Kline, J.M. (2005). Ethics for International Business: Decision-Making in a Global Political Economy. USA: Routledge. Zimmerer, C. & Stockert, C. (2012). Organisation Design in International Business. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Get 24×7 business case study assignment help from our experts.