Human Resource Assignment Help on Shipping Firm Paper
Recommendations to Make Difficult Decisions Related Employee Relation In order to make a difficult decision about employee relation and to make a contract with labor union, company should follow rules and regulations that can supports employees to provide directions. Company should implement rules and regulations as a guide that will be helpful for managers and employees to create significant work within the organization. Through the use of strict rules and regulations, employees also motivate to work effectively and efficiently in the organization that improve their as well as organizational performance in the market. Rules and regulations can also helpful for the company to provide directions to how to create effective contract with the labor unions in the company (Leat, 2012). This can also enhance the understanding of management team about the future relationship with the labor unions. Company should also make some policies that can support managers and employees to treat each employee in same manner. It will also support the company to develop its relationship with the employees and make effective employment relationship through the policies such as discrimination, equal employment opportunity, compensation, salary, etc. In order to increase the employee and labor relationship, company should also implement policies related to their health. It can support the company to motivate employees towards the work and also provide security to the employees that guide employees to become loyal towards the company. This will support the company to improve the productivity in long term and can also helpful in establishing effective negotiation process with the labor union in the organization (Smith & Mazin, 2011). As a manager, in order to make supportive relationship with the employees, manager should also develop the knowledge about rights of individual or employees within the organization. It will be helpful for the managements and company to make effective decisions about the relationship with the stakeholders. It is identified that new relationship policy between company and employees also supports company to achieve competitive advantages in long term in the market. It is because through the new policy, company can improve the loyalty of employees and labor and motivate them to work effectively in the market that can lead the company to achieve competitive advantage (Smith & Mazin, 2011).
In order to improve the relationship and to improve the productivity of employees and labor, company should also conduct some training session for the employees. In this training session, company can develop skills and knowledge of employees and specially labors at different stages of company, which is beneficial to reduce or eliminate the accidents from plants and operational activities. This training session can also be helpful for the company to improve the security of employees. In addition, this is also helpful for the company and management team to make stronger their relationship with the employees and labor at different stages of organization. The training and development programs will be effective in order to enhance the knowledge about the company and the work (Bogardus, 2004). This can influence employees and labors’ mind and provide effective assistance to how to perform work in the organization. To retain employees and labor, HR manager should also implement some compensation and reward system in the organization. Through this, company can effectively compensate the employees those are injured in plant or in organization. It can lead the company to make better and strong relationship with the employees and labor in the organization. On the other hand, company should also implement reward system for the employees. This will support the company to appreciate employees for their performance and motivate them to work with zeal and enthusiasm in order to achieve competitive advantage (Armstrong, 2007). Moreover, to create successful negotiation with the labor union, company should also implement some strategies that can provide directions to the company to deal effectively with the labor union. Effective strategies can also be helpful for the company to handle the situations that create bad impact on the organization and its reputation in the market. Effective implementation of employee relationship strategy can also provide opportunities to the organization to influence different communities towards company and its work. These strategies can also impact communities in positive way and improve their understanding about the employee relationship and the relationship with the trade and labor unions (Gennard & Judge, 2005).
Manager should also use some legal policies in the time of negotiation. With the help of legal policies, manager can make effective negotiation with them because legal policies provide directions and works as a guide for the manager. These legal policies can also establish effective relationship with labors because legal rules and policies satisfy the needs and demands of both sides that can establish effective negotiation process and can be helpful to create effective contract with the labor union (Dunn & Roeser, 2007). References Armstrong, M. (2007). A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice. USA: Kogan Page Publishers. Bogardus, A. M. (2004). Human Resources JumpStart. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Dunn, H. H. & Roeser, R. (2007). AUDIOLOGY Practice Management. USA: Thieme. Gennard, J. & Judge, G. (2005). Employee Relations. USA: CIPD Publishing. Leat, M. (2012). Exploring Employee Relations. UK: Routledge. Smith, S. & Mazin, R. (2011). The Hr Answer Book: An Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human Resources Professionals. USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Snell, S. A. & Bohlander, G. W. (2012). Managing Human Resources. USA: Cengage Learning. Get original and quality assignment help services from our experts. You can contact us at