Identification of Training Needs
HR manager can identify the training needs of local citizens by doing the analysis of manpower. In this analysis, employees needed to be trained and changes required in their knowledge, skills and attitudes, are determined by the HR manager. This analysis is helpful in improving the performance of employees and they are able to work efficiently in multinational organization. HR manager should analyze that whether the employees are capable of being trained. If the employees are unable to accept the new skills then training should not given (McConnell, 2003). As per MBA Degree Online assignemnt help expert, HR manager should use the new equipments and make modifications in the job. This strategy is helpful in analyzing the training needs of the employees.
Training and development needs vary depending upon the preferences, culture and taste of different customers in different countries. In the multinational organization, level of competition increased due to expansion of business in other countries. Therefore, HR manager have to develop the skills of employees, based on the level of competition in different countries. In addition to this, training needs also vary depending on different strategies of competitors in different countries. HR manager will have to develop new strategies in order to sustain in the business in competitive market environment (Simmonds, 2003). Based on the performance of employees in multinational company, HR manager can measure the effectiveness of training and development program. Moreover, effective attainment of organizational goals also ensures that need of training and development program are met efficiently.
Factors for Making Successful Career Development
HR manager should develop the proper career development process for the local and host employees in the company. With the help of career development process, employees in the company can be able to enhance their skills and knowledge. Further, they are able to sustain in the international market. Organization should also develop the transparency between the employee and employer. Organization should also provide facility to employees to study the organization and analyze the different type of career and role options available for them (Insala, 2011). This factor is helpful in motivating the employees for better performance and also enhances the career of the employees.
HR manager in the multinational organization should provide online career development tool to the local as well as host employees. These tools are helpful in empowering the employees to drive their own development. Further, employees are also able to examine their own skills, values and interest. In addition to this, appropriate feedback to employees is helpful in making the development of employees’ career effectively. Through the feedback, employees take corrective measures to make improvement in its overall performance (Ricketts & Ricketts, 2010). In addition to this, feedback is also helpful in measuring the status of employee in the organization. Career workshops and formal mentoring programs are also helpful in developing the career of employees. Therefore, along with this online university case study assignment help says that achievement of organizational goals, managers should also focus towards the career development of employees. This strategy is helpful in motivating the employees for better performance.
Insala (2011). Retrieved from
McConnell, J.H. (2003). How to Identify Your Organization’s Training Needs: A Practical Guide to Needs Analysis. USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Ricketts, C. & Ricketts, J.C. (2010). Leadership: Personal Development and Career Success. USA: Cengage Learning.
Simmonds, D. (2003). Designing And Delivering Training. USA: CIPD Publishing.