To: Marketing team From: Advertising Agency Date: March 10, 2017 Sub: Effective advertisement of green tea.
Advertisement Objective The main objective of our marketing assignment help experts is that advertisement is to provide effective information about the benefit of green tea for health. It also provides awareness to enhance the knowledge about green tea for reducing the weight and control obesity (See the YouTube link at the end of reference).
Effective Critique in Targeting a Market Green tea is one of the best teas at present time that is beneficial for health for beverages users in reducing fat and controlling obesity (Brown, 2010). The green tea is a product made from green leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant (Klatz & Goldman, 2004). Green tea maintains the metabolism of body that use calories for energy and help in avoiding fat storage in the body (Medline Plus, 2012). Further, the use of regular green tea would reduce weight according to given instruction plan (Brown, 2010). The ad is also helpful in curbing appetite, burn more calories, burn belly fat, improve mental alertness and thinking and control low blood pressure (Medline Plus, 2012). But at the same time of marketing, it may be less effective as the humor in ad is quite negative as lady that is becoming slim due to tea was looking pregnant, which may affect the target market.
Intend Target of advertisement The green tea advertisement targets to health conscious person such as fat reducing person, mental alertness person and cancer control person of all age group except age group below12 (Tiffen, & Gittins, 2004). The main target of the ad is fat ladies as they are more conscious for their health and look than others. Further, green tea marketing advertisement also targets basically medium income and high income class people that are capable to purchase this product and can take benefits of green tea in their health related problems as it is quite expensive in comparison of normal tea (Brown, 2010). Moreover, this advertisement also impacts over the culture in which people takes several types of other beverages in their daily life such as hot coffee, cold coffee, black tea, lemon tea and milk tea (Caballero, 2009). All these culture of taking beverages in early morning is basically harmful in some extent specifically coffee and milk tea that increase blood pressure and disturb metabolic system through gastric problem in stomach that is shows through its tagline (Caballero, 2009). Therefore, green tea advertisement targets this early morning culture of people through removing the gas problem of people (Caballero, 2009). Further, addition to this, the green teal advertisement also targets the modern youth generation life style, basically the girls that want slim and trim body for beautiful looks and keep physical body maintain to avoid public mockery due to fat body (Glowacki, 2010).
Consumer Need Fulfillment Through the green tea advertisement, the needs of consumer that are being tried to fulfill by advertisers are weight loss without much exercise, control low blood pressure in place of excessive use of medicine and control gastric problem among them (Lluch, 2011). This advertisement assignment writing help also fulfills the need of looking beautiful among girls as a fat girl is looking slim and beautiful after using green tea (Medline Plus, 2012).
Effectiveness in Targeting the Consumer The advertisement is effective in targeting the consumer quite effectively as it highlights the problems or consequences regarding the health problems and solution processes for people (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2009). The advertisement is describing the obesity problem in the ad that attracts the people, who are facing this problem (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2009). Apart from this, advertisers would also highlight about confusion of people in the selection of right medicine for keeping body mentally and physically fit and fine, which is also effective to attract the target customers (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2009). Therefore as per marketing help of assignment experts , advertisers would prove the effectiveness of advertisement that green tea advertisement is helpful for people in the selection to solve health related problems without any side-effect and to get a fit and slim body.
Persuasive of Advertisement concerned to Objectives Presently our assignment help experts says that, people are using several beverages in their daily life for fulfilling the needs and also facing several side effects of beverages and fast-food culture (Brown, 2010). In this context, people try to find-out best option of beverages or other option that fulfill their needs and also remove the side effects of beverages (Brown, 2010). In this situation, advertisement is creating persuasive impact among people to reduce the obesity problem that is increasing among the people in world quite rapidly. Further, the advertisement objective is also concerned to provide information and awareness to enhance the knowledge about green tea for reducing weight and control obesity that are the necessity of people in their daily life.
Persuasive Technique of Advertisement The persuasive technique that is being used in the ad is humor of people for the improvement of mental alertness. In the ad, the benefit of green tea to reduce fat is shown with a humor sense that increases its effectiveness to attract the customers. Further, attractive figure of girl due to slim and trim body is also attracting to potential customers that is related to persuasive technique of sex as in the advertisement sex is shown in a smooth manner.
Recommendation for Advertising of New Product The effective and humor appeal of massage through advertisement plays an effective role to influence the people and convert the mood for purchasing the product that enhances company’s profit and establishes the company in the competitive market. In this regard, according to the health consciousness of people and benefits of green tea, the recommendation of this type advertisement for company’s new product would also become beneficial. Therefore, the objective of the advertisement is useful to provide effective information and awareness to enhance the knowledge about green tea importance in reducing the weight and control obesity that would become profitable for company. References Brown, A. (2010). Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation. USA: Cengage Learning. Caballero, B. (2009). Guide to Nutritional Supplements. USA: Academic Press. Glowacki, H.G. (2010). And Then They Asked God. USA: Xlibris Corporation. Hoyer, W.D & Macinnis, D.J. (2009). Consumer Behavior. USA: Cengage Learning. Klatz, R & Goldman, B. (2004). Anti-aging therapeutics. USA: American Academy of Anti-Aging Med. Lluch, A.A. (2011). Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. China: WS Publishing Group. Medline Plus (2012). Green Tea. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from Tiffen, R & Gittins, R. (2004). How Australia compares. Australia: Cambridge University Press. For Assignment Help Contact us at USA/Canada Toll Free Phone: 1-877-839-9989 Australia Phone Number: +61-3-9088-1335 Email: