Five Innovative Strategies Assignment Help by Experts
Organizations make different strategies in order to achieve the aims and objectives in an efficient manner. Company S has been entering into the motor scooter market with the high cost and best quality. In this paper, five
innovative strategies for motivating the dealerships as intermediaries have been identified. Along with this business case study assignment help, advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and its effectiveness on the company’s performance have also been discussed in this assignment help paper.
Five Innovative Strategies It has been analyzed that various innovative strategies will be helpful for the company in motivating the dealerships as intermediaries. On the basis of strategies, company can be able to take proper decisions and work accordingly. Five strategies are clear communication, effective work teams, market research, company power and regular meetings. Clear Communication: With the help of clear communication, company can be able to make effective relationship with the intermediaries. Through the communication, company can identify the different ideas and opinions of the intermediaries. Further, company is also able to take information about the competitors’ strategies.
It has been identified that, without communication company cannot be able to influence the customers to buy the products (Kotler, Shalowitz & Stevens, 2011). Prices of the scooter are also high, which needs aggressive marketing in order to generate awareness among the customers. Communication is also helpful in providing every type of information to the customers about the functions of scooters. On the other hand, communication is sometimes ineffective, if the executive do not have to skills to influence the intermediaries. Improper communication channel creates disturbance in the distribution programming model. Effective Work Teams: Organization has to develop the effective work teams in order give tough competition to the rivalry firms.
In addition to this, these work teams will distribute the products to the intermediaries, so that these products will reach to the final customers. Dealerships have strong loyalty to the competitors’ products (Swaim, 2011). Therefore, these effective work teams will identify the strategies of competitors and make healthy relationships with intermediaries. This strategy provides one advantage to the company that cohesive work teams will develop some innovative ideas to produce the scooter at low cost with high fuel efficiency. On the other hand, effective work team also create problem in making coordination with each other. Market Research: Third strategy is marketing research, which is also very effective in motivating the dealerships as intermediaries. Through market research, company can be able to identify the external working conditions, level of competition, policies and customers’ taste and preferences.
After analyzing all these factors, company can enhance the knowledge of employees in order to influence the dealerships as intermediaries (Doole & Lowe, 2008). Further, market research also guides the manager to take corrective measures if required in the policies and strategies. Market research is useful in analyzing the market insight and consumer buying behavior, analyzing the consumer behavior is helpful in easily selling them products. Market research is efficient, if it is conducted with appropriate skills and knowledge. Sometimes, data that has been gathered will not be appropriate to make the strategies (Stevens, Loudon & Wrenn, 2012). Use Company Power: It has been identified that company can use its power in order to motivate the intermediaries. Company has different types of power such as reward power, coercive power, expert power etc. In case of reward power, company has to make commitment with the intermediary that it will reward them, if intermediary meets the set targets. Coercive power, in this power, company makes the dominant position and ordered the intermediary to perform certain task (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman & Hansen, 2009).
Last is the expert power, in which the manufacturer is assumed to have all the information about the products and intermediary have to take information from the manufacturer and work according to the instruction of them. On the basis of this strategy, intermediary will work harder in order to meet the targets. If the targets are unrealistic, intermediary will have the right to terminate the relationship. Regular Meetings: Healthy relationship can be maintained through the regular meetings with the intermediaries. Regular meeting are helpful in identifying the problem areas and prevailing situation of the company. Moreover, intermediary can also give the ideas and opinions in the meeting. Meeting is the best approach to discuss the issues and problems within the working structure of the company. In some cases, employees do not attend the meeting and company will also not be able to conduct the meetings at regular intervals due to the changing market situation (Cant, Strydom & Jooste, 2009). Company has to use the appropriate strategy in order to introduce the products effectively in the market and give competition to rivalry firms. Conclusion From the above discussion by case study help experts concluded that company S has to analyze the prevailing market conditions and introduce the limited number of scooters in the market.
Moreover, clear communication, effective work teams, market research, company power and regular meetings are these five strategies, which will be helpful in motivating the dealerships as intermediaries. Each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages, employees should have skills to use these strategies in the productive manner. References Cant, M.C., Strydom, J.W. & Jooste, C.J. (2009). Marketing Management. USA: Juta and Company Ltd. Doole, I. & Lowe, R. (2008). International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation. USA: Cengage Learning. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Brady, M., Goodman, M. & Hansen, T. (2009). Marketing Management. USA: Centraal Boekhuis. Kotler, P., Shalowitz, J. & Stevens, R.J. (2011). Strategic Marketing For Health Care Organizations: Building A Customer-Driven Health System. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Manheim, J.B. (2010). Strategy in Information and Influence Campaigns: How Policy Advocates, Social Movements, Insurgent Groups, Corporations, Governments and Others Get What They Want. USA: Routledge. Stevens, R.E., Loudon, D.L. & Wrenn, B. (2012). Marketing Management. USA: Routledge. Swaim, R.W. (2011). The Strategic Drucker: Growth Strategies and Marketing Insights from the Works of Peter Drucker. USA: John Wiley & Sons.