Entrepreneurship in Small Businesses Compare and Contrast of Entrepreneur
There are three types of entrepreneurs such as serial entrepreneur, lifestyle entrepreneur and social entrepreneur. These entrepreneurs have different styles to create work and to establish organization effectively in the market. In this, the serial entrepreneur is an entrepreneur, who has various business ideas and starts new businesses consistently based on these ideas. On the other hand, lifestyle entrepreneur is an entrepreneur, who has passion or interest and turns it into the business. Along with this assignment help, the third type of entrepreneur has the combination of these two types of entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur mostly focuses on the charitable causes and establishes a non-profit venture (Henry, Hill & Leitch, 2003). These types of entrepreneurs give some certain amount in the charitable cause. These three entrepreneurs are different in their working style and in the ideas. The lifestyle and serial entrepreneurs are more concern about the business. In comparison to this, social entrepreneurs more concern the social cause and benefits. It is identified that the serial entrepreneurs have the different ideas in different industries and start a bunch of different industry at once. In contrast to this, the lifestyle entrepreneurs have only one passion or interest and have enough capital to turn this passion into the business (Ucbasaran, Alsos & Westhead, 2008). In order to start a small business, the social entrepreneurship style is better. It is because with the help of this approach, entrepreneur can make effective business as well as create effective social responsibilities in order to provide benefits to the society from the business. The social entrepreneur is a power of entrepreneurship that provides effective work place for the entrepreneur to make profits and to serve society with a good cause (Henry, Hill & Leitch, 2003).
Impact of Globalization and Information Technology During the creation of small business, the globalization and information technology impact the process in both positive and negative manner. In the positive way, globalization helps the small scale companies to provide a better platform that brings new opportunities to the companies to attract customers in the market and influence people towards the products and services. On the other hand, information technology is also helpful for the companies to improve the information system within the organization. Through the information system, small scale companies can achieve the competitive advantages in the home country (Audretsch, Thurik & Verheul, 2002). On the other hand our entrepreneurship case study assignment help experts said that, globalization and information technology also impacts the small scale businesses in negative way. Globalization increases the competition level for the small businesses that impact on the productivity and efficiency of small business. Globalization also impact on the processes of small businesses that influence the competitiveness of companies. In the similar way, information technology also affects the information system of small businesses. Failure of information system creates the problems for the businesses in terms of lack of capital to invest in high cost equipments of information technology (Larimo & Vissak, 2009). This creates the problems for small businesses to establish effective information technological tools and equipments.
Help of these Trends in US Globalization and information technology trends help the growth of small scale businesses in US. It is identified that with the support of globalization and information technology trends, small scale businesses improve their efficiency and productivity that helps the companies to achieve competitive advantage in the US market. These trends are also helpful for the US small scale businesses in order to connect with the global company in effective way (Audretsch, Thurik & Verheul, 2002).
References Audretsch, D. B., Thurik, R. & Verheul, I. (2002). Entrepreneurship: Determinants and Policy in a European-U.S. Comparison. USA: Springer. Henry, C., Hill, F. & Leitch, C. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education and Training. UK: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Larimo, J. & Vissak, T. (2009). Research on Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalization. UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Ucbasaran, D., Alsos, G. A. & Westhead, P. (2008). Habitual Entrepreneurs. USA: Now Publishers Inc. How to get Entrepreneurship assignment help services with assignmenthelpexperts.com Our business assignment help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help to US,UK and Australian students. You will also get free plagiarism report so that you can check our quality assignment help services.