Effective Communication Case Study Assignment Help
Communication is the two way process that basically needs the presenter and audience. It has been analyzed that, it can be effective, when the listener and speaker both understand each other. In the health care industry, it is important to have good quality interpersonal relations. It is necessary because in health care, person has to make contact with multiple people. In the health care, person has to contact with other departments, nurses, patients and office personal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the communication skills when person has to interact with co-workers and patients (Wolper, 2004). You can get any topic case study business assignment help from our experts.
Supportive and Defensive Relationship It has been analyzed that in health care industry, caring relationship is important for individual’s emotional well-being. Through this, people can be able to develop the supportive relationships with each other. People have to be supportive with others in order to build the supportive relationship. On the other hand, in defensive relationship is the situation in which the individual perceives threats in the group. In this type of relationship, person makes efforts in order to make its position within the group. Both types of relationship are suitable according to the type of organization and situation. In the health care industry case study assignment help says that, supportive relationship is more suitable then the defensive relationship (Thompson, 2009). Supportive relationship is helpful in reducing the stress and improves the individual health and well-being. People in the health care industry are focused towards having the supportive relationship in order to build the supportive and healthy environment. It is important to make time to develop relationships by meeting patients and having fun with them. All these activities increase the morale of the patients and make them feel better. Thus, it has been identified that supportive relationship will be more suitable in health care industry rather than defensive relationship.
Assertive Style Assertive style of communication is the method in which the people state their opinions and feelings. Moreover, it fulfills its rights and needs without violating the rights of other people. This method of communication gives respect to the feelings of others and listen their problems. It has been analyzed that assertive style is also suitable in health care industry. It is because in health care industry, individual will listen to the problems of their patients. Individual will also provide various facilities and welfare to the people. In this method, people know their rights and also fulfill it without violating others rights (Nolan, 2005).
Elements of Interpersonal Communication Skills In order to make the interpersonal communication effective, individual should develop their skills. There are various elements that need to be developed while doing the interpersonal communication. It has been identified that interpersonal communication includes different elements on the basis of which, individual can self-assess its interpersonal communication skills. Some of the elements are eye communication, gestures and facial expression, listener involvement, posture and movement and language, non-words and pauses. In order to make communication effective, individual should make a proper eye communication. Through this, speaker will make communication more effective. Secondly, person should stand in the proper posture and make movement naturally and easily. Further, gestures and facial expression also plays an important role in making the interpersonal communication effective (Moonie, 2005). It is identified that person should be relaxed and natural while speaking to other person. If the person is uncomfortable in speaking than opposite person will not be able to interpret the message properly. In addition to this assignment help, person should also make communication interesting, so that listener will also get involved in the communication and take the active interest. Speaker should also reduce the pauses while doing the communication else, it should be used at the proper places. Therefore, in order to make the communication effective, all these elements are necessary.
Self-Assessment of Assertiveness Through the elements of interpersonal communication skills, person can be able to make changes in its assertiveness. In the assertive style, person listen the problems of others and fulfills their needs along with the needs of others. It has been analyzed that in order to analyze the assertiveness, person should identify that whether they are standing up for their rights along with others. Moreover, assertive person will be aggressive while fulfilling own needs and wants. They also listen to the problems of others and find out the proper solution. People with assertive characteristics will be focused towards the win-win approach (Almgren & Lindhorst, 2012). In order to sustain in the health care industry, person should change its assertive style in build the interpersonal communication skills. References Almgren, G.R. & Lindhorst, T. (2012). The Safety-Net Health Care System: Health Care at the Margins. USA: Springer Publishing Company. Moonie, N. (2005). GCE AS Level Health and Social Care Double Award Book (For Edexcel). USA: Heinemann. Nolan, Y. (2005). Health and Social Care (adults). USA: Heinemann. Thompson, R.H. (2009). The Handbook of Child Life: A Guide for Pediatric Psychosocial Care. USA: Charles C Thomas Publisher. Wolper, A.F. (2004). Health Care Administration: Planning, Implementing, and Managing Organized Delivery Systems. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Now you can get any time business assignment help and business case study assignment Help of all topics. Our assignment helper are experienced assignment writing experts and can do short deadline assignment. You can e-mail or speak with us for assignment help at info@www.assignmenthelpexperts.com