Critical Thinking Method Assignment Help: The critical thinking is an intellectual process that is used to analyze or evaluate gathered information or content by covering positive and negative aspects. It is a self- guided, self-disciplined, self- monitored and self-corrective action taker method that is useful to critically analyze and assess any topic, content or issue. For this critical thinking assignment help paper, a social issue “Are We Safer Now?” is selected to apply critical thinking method in order to identify and explain logical fallacies involved in relevant arguments. This issue is selected because it affects people’s lives largely and requires a solution.
Analyzing of Issue through Critical-Thinking Method: A critical thinking model is a useful tool to critically analyze an issue by reviewing relevant arguments. Description, analysis and evaluation are the main stages of this model. The critical analysis of the above-selected issue with the help of critical-thinking method is as below-
Description of Issue: Currently, safety of human being is a contemporary social issue for society and federal government due to increase in terrorist activities by Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in different parts of world including the United States, Asia and Europe. After the 11 years of 9/11 attack and killing of Osama bin Laden, still the question “are we safer now from terrorism?” remains in the mind of people all over the world especially in Afghanistan, United States, Europe and other Asian countries. The terrorism experts think that the death of Osama bin Laden may have little impact on terrorist activities of Al-Qaeda due to rising threat of Taliban and other terrorist groups. Along with this as per assignment help experts, the current situation of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq also point-out that at present, people are safe from terrorist activities or not, this is the main concern for governments as well as intelligence agencies of USA, Europe, Russia, India and other countries due to potential risk of terrorist attacks. At present, terrorism is a biggest threat to the U.S. and for security of human being due to presence of nuclear power in North Korea, Iran and Pakistan, where Islamic terrorist groups have wide presence. The religion also plays a key role in the security of people because a Muslim American is less safe as compare to Christian community due to Islamic terrorism (Brodsky, 2011).
Analysis of Issue: There are several articles that have relevant arguments including favor and against both related to this topic. As discussed by Kayyem, now we are safer more from before the death of Osama bin Laden by the U.S. forces in Pakistan. It is because the death of Laden can play a key role to decrease confidence and threat of Al-Qaeda in different parts of world. According to him, Bin Laden’s death can increase calmness among the citizens regarding the terrorist attacks due to decline in threat of Al-Qaeda. After 9/11, not a single terror attack happened in the U.S. due to the establishment of new legal regime and anti-terrorist legislation as well as increase in the strength of FBI and CIA that shows improvement in safety. But on the other hand, our business case study assignment help experts stated that Barton argues the view of Kayyem and states that after the eleven years of 9/11 attack, still, civilians are not safe due to increase in terrorist activities all over the world. The majority of victims that suffered from terrorism are Muslims due to regular terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan etc.
As discussed by him, the killing of Laden will increase terrorist activities against the U.S., and other NATO countries that are fighting against terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. After Laden’s killing, the terrorist attacks on NATO forces are increasing during last one year that indicates still terrorism is the biggest threat for the United States and European countries. Kayyem also tells that counterterrorism strategy of Bush and Obama plays a key role to improve the safety of civilians within the country and other parts of the world by demolishing power of Islamic terror organizations. But Barton (2012) argues that the killing of Laden and other main terrorists of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other terror groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan can increase terrorist activities due to the sentiment of terrorist organizations towards Osama bin Laden. During last one year, numbers of terrorist attacks are taking place on US Embassy like in Turkey and Pakistan in which many of US’s citizens were killed. It indicates that still civilians are not safe from terrorism due to rise in number of terror groups and terrorists.
Evaluation: From the analysis of relevant arguments, it can be evaluated that still, civilians of the United States, Europe and Asia are not completely safe from terrorism. It is because at present, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah and Tehrik-i-Taliban are still strong or powerful terror organizations that are creating threat for the United States and other nations continuously. Additionally, the influence of Taliban once-again is rising in Afghanistan and Pakistan that is also a sign of terror threat for civilians due to possibility of big terrorist attacks. All these things show that still, people are not safe from terror, which is a big concern or issue for society. There are some ways that can be useful to increase safety of a human being from terrorism all across the world. In this way, the government of large nations should require to stop or destroy all those sources completely that are helping terrorist groups to get funds for terrorist activities. Along with this, by destroying the sources of arms or weapons, power and threat of terrorist organizations can be reduced that will help to develop filling of safety and security among people.
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