The crime protection program is an important task for every government such as federal, state and local. All of these governments make efforts to reduce the impact of the crime in the society. The law enforcement identifies the needs to cooperate with the communities and employing with community policies (Dempsey & Forst, 2011). This program is started in USA to prevent neighborhood crime, reduce crime fear and improving the life quality within the communities. This Case Study Writing Help paper also focuses on the effects of crime prevention in the United States. It also concentrates to provide successful guidance to crime prevention consumers and to observe that community policing is most effective philosophies to fight with crimes in USA.
Philosophy of Community Policing
Community policing philosophy is an approach that joins forces to work together such as police, community residence and other stakeholders of enforcing the strategy to prevent crime. This philosophy is most popular approach in the law enforcement circle due to gaining a lot of popularity. This approach is mix efforts of police and the community that are living together within the United States. The scope of this philosophy was raised in the year 1994, when offices of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) were established (Plant & Scott, 2009). In addition to this Online Assignment Help, 12000 police departments and various agencies were accepted this philosophy.
Apart from this, it also led to hire and train thousand of new community officers and different personnel that were able to enforce the law. Government also supported it and gave funds through community policing grants (Thurman & McGarrell, 2005). The organizational strategies can be promoted by philosophy of community policing that is helpful in partnerships and problem solving techniques. This philosophy is quite significant to support in solving public safety issues such as crimes social disorder and fear of crime. The three elements of community policing are problem solving, community partnership and organizational transformation. There are several things to be considered for solving the problem and to concentrate on ongoing conditions that are examining, analyzing and assessing and using crime triangle (Skogan, 2006).
Factors Necessitating for Community Policing
In United States, the report of National District Attorney Association (NDAA) displayed that there were approximately 30000 gangs with 80000 members to tackle crimes in more advanced and strategic manner (USAID, 2006). On the other hand, there were some other strategies used by communities and law enforcement agencies to undertake the criminals. The partnership is quite effective to undertake the criminal gangs. In addition, this philosophy is significant to prevent the community gangs from relating to distinct area. The main aim of this philosophy is to interrupt daily criminal activities that decrease the strengths of criminals. It is also effective to make efficient relationship with the other members of the community. ( Now you can contact us if you looking for university Assignment Help Sydney )
At the same time, inactiveness of law is another necessitate factor of community policing that is helpful to protect from inhabitants from the reprisal by gangs. It is also a necessitating community factor that community has been helped the petrol officer community. The petrol officer community has been come back from the police organization (Nugent-Borakove & Worrall, 2008). This factor has made the position to manage the support and resources to improve the quality of life and safety. It also has involved the understating, creativity and patience among all the parties.
In addition, the communities also have been awaked about the crime that has increased the avoidance of crime and helped to make more imperative neighborhood. It also increased the trust among the communities that is helpful to generate a good foundation for community policing. The community policing philosophy would be attractive, if there is no trust among the communities and police officers (Dariotis, Bumbarger, Duncan & Greenberg, 2008). It would not be supportive to prevent the crime within the communities of United States.
Elements of Crime Triangle Addressed by Community Policing
The crime triangle includes some elements such as a person that confides the crime, the place where person confides crime and opportunity to confide the crime. All three elements of community policing make it complete to commit a crime in the community otherwise crime is impossible (Hess & Orthmann, 2011). This program has been aimed to remove any elements to make crime impossible. The community policing cooperates with various parties to destroy any of one element among its three elements of crime triangle. These parties may be included as law enforcement agents, businesses and the inhabitants. For example, the communities can collaborate with the probation department to eliminate the persons that seek to crime. These persons can be removed by engaging them in communal activities. The community should also provide information about the criminal hideouts and alerts. This information helps the police to attack on the hideouts and to crush the plots by the criminals.
Statistical Support of Community Policing
The community policing has reduced the level of crime in United States. Community policy has affected the crime due to removing officers from the traditional car and placed them into the community. The statistical data shows that about 14.16% crime has been reduced in United States. The data also shows that murders dropped by 39%, auto theft by 35%. In addition, the total crimes of last two years in New York City have been cut down 27% (Patrick & Roxbury, 2012). The rape cases also decreased with a large sum total of 64.3% in comparison to 2008 and 2009. All these reductions show decrease in the partnership between police officers and people of communities.
Critical Analysis of Effectiveness of Community Policing
Community policing is an effective crime prevention program that reduced the crime in United States. It is supposed to reduce neighborhood crimes that have made citizens far from the fear of crime (Lyons, 2002). It also has helped to improve the quality of life and security of the community that used this philosophy. The main purpose of this philosophy is to provide high quality services in the form of life and security. The effectiveness of this crime prevention program can be maintained by having the partnership with community. Effectiveness also depends on numbers of community partners that exist in the community.
At the same time, the effectiveness of philosophy can be found out by having a way that is able to solve the problems exist in the community. The community members should also look towards the way of managers and patrol police use to solve the problem of community. The assessment of finding effectiveness of community policing can also be made more effective with the use of methods of solving problems (Vito, Maahs & Holmes, 2006). For example, its community members can quantify the effectiveness of community policing by the number of arrests made during a certain time period. This method is suitable to count the effects of this program, but it cannot solve the existing problem permanently solved by arresting. It is only an effort for reducing the problem in the future because of arrests.
Apart from this, the effectiveness can be also measured by determining the level of participation of people to reduce crime and their effort to reduction. The suspiciousness and fear of crime in the community does not indicate the whole success. It means the crime and the problem has not reduced completely in the community (Walsh, 2001). All the members should be free to inform about the crime to the police officers. These people should not have any fear in mind and should actively participate in identifying the ways to prevent certain crime.
The effectiveness of this program will also be identified through used resources in efforts and to prevent the crime. In United Stated communities, they should use active consultation and financial participation of the members such as private agencies, businesses and other parties (Lithopoulos, & Rigakos, 2005). It is quite difficult to compute the effectiveness of community policing, but improved quality of life can be used to measure its effectiveness. This measurement can be done through removal of signs of neglects. The signs of neglects include garbage and riding off drunkards and gangs out can be considered as real evidence of effectiveness of community policing.
Societal Impacts on Community Policing
Various societal impacts of community policing were found that have both positive and negative impact to the philosophy. These factors are found, where community policing practiced in the society. This philosophy has been affected by social capital. Social capital is a combined structure that makes a strong relationship among the community members and the officers that controlled and supervised these people (Kerr, Small & Wood, 2005). Higher level of social capital makes possible to have high level of position in the society position. Practicing with the community policing, it has been expected that the people have less trust, cooperation, group cohesion and social support in working relation; they don’t get more achievements with this community policy.
The society is also affected by social cohesion that presently surviving in a certain society. The societal members play an important role to make effective community policing by supporting each other actively (Ren, Zhao, Lovrich & Gaffney, 2006). The better social cohesion is quite helpful to make better position and increase in the effectiveness of the community policing in the society. The success of this philosophy can be attained by existence of strong relationship within the society. Strong relationship among the police and social people has a great impact on the society that positively leads the people towards ethical practices.
In addition, enforceable laws also exert a societal impact that affects the effectiveness of philosophy. The societal values also play an important role in identifying the success of the community policing. Its effectiveness in the society will increase, if the society has various types of values to understand the behaviors (Jackson & Lyon, 2002). The identification of behaviors should be understood by the problem solver and crime preventer, because some behaviors might be interpreted in terms of crime that create problem to implement community policing in the society. It is an essential task of both people and police to reduce the crime in the society by executing the community policy as a crime prevention program.
Impacts of Technological advancements
Advancements in the technology positively affect the crime prevention program. In the crime prevention programs, the information technology is used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information related to the crime. For instance, over the last years, there is a rapid growth in the telecommunication and computer technologies (Weisburd & McEwen). The law enforcement agencies have been offered an unprecedented capacity in the collection, storage, analyzing and sharing of data by the development of the computing powers.
In today’s changing economic dimension, technology is an important tool for laws to achieve its broadening and complex mission. Technology-enable crime, policing and security are pertinent for understanding contemporary threats posed by emerging forms of cybercrime, transnational crime and terrorism networks. Cunning criminals have always taken advantage of new technologies often as the result of learning how to do so from other people including fellow criminals (Capobianco, 2005). As a natural byproduct of perpetual technology innovation and criminal adoption and adaptation, methods of committing crime can change at the societal level. Thus, crime consisting of myriad methods of gaining technological advantage for unlawful purposes can be perceived as social technology with its own innovation-to-obsolescence cycles.
Crime as social technology will almost always involve use of physical technologies (i.e., tools), although rape, assault, and murder committed without the use of weapons or other instruments such as those used to penetrate body cavities are notable exceptions. Conceiving of crime as social technology incorporating use of physical technologies allows for construction of a matrix. Apart from this, it should also be noted down that the tools of information technology also influence different programs of crime prevention (Grant & Terry, 2005). There has been new police technology that is mostly installed in the patrol cars. This policy is used in mapping or detecting the hideouts of the criminals. In addition, technological devices also play a great role in communicating policing. For example, the introduction of computers in community policing have also made the process of detection easier as criminals can be detected by the use of the cell phones.
On the other hand, the advancements of technology also provide new tools to patrol officers for accomplishing their missions in community policing. This will make community policing a more efficient even in future. The knowledge of computer will be a requirement in the recruitment of patrol police (Mayer, 2009). The patrol officers may also be forced to spend so much time working on the technology instead of doing their community policing activity. Hence, technology makes the work more efficient. Additionally, the new technological tools in the world of crime provide law enforcement officials with a greater array of tools and new methods to aid them in the pursuit of criminal justice.
The World Wide Web is a major factor in the implementation of technology in crime prevention. For instance, most of departments of police have updated their websites to include crime mapping features that are updated frequently. Not only police officers are able to use this feature to study and analyze the climate of criminal activities in their immediate area, but these online crime mapping resources also provide residents with the ability to view maps of their cities and learn, where serious crimes have occurred (Morabito, 2010).
The global positioning system (GPS) has also been a significant asset for law enforcement officials, enabling them to more easily track and navigate through neighborhoods while patrolling and investigating criminal activities in their cities. Many significant uses of technology in crime prevention can be found in the uniforms that officers wear and the ways that they communicate with one another. Since the 1970s, police officers have worn body armor to help protect themselves in hostile environments and situations (National Research Council, 2008). Another example of technology in crime prevention is the cell phone.
In conclusion by our Mba Assignment Help experts, it can be seen that community policing philosophy is an effective crime prevention program. It is one of the best ideologies that can be used in a community to fight with the crime. It successfully fought with the crime due to strong partnership of enforceable laws and the community. Community policing has collaborative knowledge due to having knowledge of crime by police and having knowledge of area by community. These types of knowledge help to reduce crime in United States. It is a successive alternative of traditional policing. It is also important philosophy that encourages mutual trust and cooperation among the people and police, when they require. Community policing is a supportive philosophy to empower the people that are fighting with the danger of overpowered crime.