Changes in HRM Assignment Help Experts Changes in HRM
In today’s competitive environment, most of the companies use HRM as an important part that support them to create supportive business in the market and to achieve competitive advantages in the market. Due to changes in technology our case study experts of HR says that companies also use human resource management as a supportive function that helps the companies to organize, maintain and motivate employees in significant way. In past years, HRM was played a primary administrative role but with the help of changes in technology, HRM plays a central role in the company and become a strategic partner that support organization to provide competitive advantage over competitors (Combs & Davis, 2010). Through the globalization, most of the companies establish their business operations in different countries of the world. This raised the need to change the HRM activities from paper pusher to a strategic business partner. Liberalization and globalization of economies with the technology leaps are more responsible for molding HRM as a significant and strategic business function. In today’s environment, information technology is a critical driver of HRM that support companies to maintain and manage their human resource effectively. With the help of information technology, companies provide information to the employees that support in achieving competitive advantage in the market (Mathis & Jackson, 2010).
Example: In today’s most of the companies use social networking sites in managing the human resources within or outside of organization. With the help of social networking sites, companies also provide latest information to the employees that support in managing human resources in well effective manner. Companies also use networking sites to recruit skilled knowledgeable and experienced employees. Through the support of social networking sites, companies developing their understanding about the candidates background, their education, behavior and past employment that support the companies to select a right candidate for the post or job (Lawler, Boudreau & Mohrman, 2006). In today’s competitive environment, most of the companies also use social networking sites to connect with the society in significant manner that support in managing human resources in the market. Through the social media, companies develop their knowledge about the tastes and preferences of the customers that helps the companies to manage human resources and satisfy customer needs in the market (Weiss, Nieuwenhuizen & Rossouw, 2009). With the help of social media, companies can also communicate with the international HR professional that help the companies to resolve their HR issues within minimum time and low cost.
References Combs, W. L. & Davis, B. M. (2010). Demystifying Technical Training: Partnership, Strategy, and Execution. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Lawler, E., Boudreau, J. & Mohrman, S. (2006). Achieving Strategic Excellence: An Assessment of Human Resource Organizations. UK: Stanford University Press. Mathis, R. L. & Jackson, J. H. (2010). Human Resource Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Weiss, H. B., Nieuwenhuizen, C. & Rossouw, D. (2009). Business Management: A Contemporary Approach. UK: Juta and Company Ltd.
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