Change Management Assignment Help
Change Management in Riordan Manufacturing Best Suited Strategy In order to implement the change related to the new employee training in the Riordan Manufacturing, company will adopt transformational change management strategy in the organization. For this, executive would communicate the strategies to all the employees of the organization. In this business chnage management assignment help, executive would also clearly define the mission, history, policies and vision of the company to each and every employee of the organization. Executive would also provide the effective understanding of new strategies or decisions to the new and existing employees of the organization. After that, executive would develop the structure of the employees or organization. In this, executive would develop the co-ordination between employees of different departments that will support the implementation of change within the organization. After this, executive will provide the training or implement the change in the organization (Hanna, 2010).
Selection of Strategy This strategy assignment help would be effective for the organization in order to develop the understanding of employees and effectively implement the changes in the organization. Through this strategy, company will also be able to provide detailed description about the company’s mission, vision, history and policies to the new and existing employees of the organization. This would also be helpful for the company in providing the understanding of company’s work, culture and environment. This would be also helpful in developing the efficiency and productivity of new and existing employees. The selected strategy will also be best because with the help of this strategy, company will also be able to improve the organizational structure that will support the company to implement change effectively in the organization (Vogelsang, Townsend & Minahan, 2012). This will also motivate employees towards the company and work. The selected strategy will also be best in terms of planned and sequence actions. It is identified that the transformational change management strategy helps the company to make effective planning to implement change in the organization. This will lead the company to manage the actions and implement changes within the organization.
Challenges to This Strategy There are also various challenges in the strategy that may create problems for the company to implement this strategy within the organization. It is identified that in this change management strategy, many employees does not create effective attention to the change management policies and actions that creates problems for the company to implement change within the organization. Many existing employees may also not take effective interest to implement the changes in the organization that also create challenges to this change management strategy (Andriopoulos & Dawson, 2008).
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References Andriopoulos, C. & Dawson, P. (2008). Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation. USA: SAGE. Hanna, N. (2010). Enabling Enterprise Transformation: Business and Grassroots Innovation for the Knowledge Economy. USA: Springer. Vogelsang, J., Townsend, M. & Minahan, M. (2012). Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization Development from the OD Network. USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.