As per the situation, the manufacturing firm is in bad condition as revenue on the business’ standard products has dropped significantly along with having no new idea at the workplace. Similarly, the management of the firm is also poor as conflicts at the workplace among the employees are high. So, performing such type of job is challenging as it requires adoption and implementation of the appropriate leadership style, methods of relationship management to manage the relationship with peers & superiors and appropriate method of participatory management, those will be discussed in the paper in concern of midsized manufacturing firm.
Leadership Skills for Success
To perform the job of product development project leader most appropriately, it is essential to adopt effective leadership approaches that can address and solve the problems that are currently faced by the manufacturing firm. In this, to be successful in the critical situation of firm, various leadership skills such as interpersonal skills, decision making skills, motivational skills, problem solving skills, passion towards work, organizing & delegating skill, skills to take and fulfill the responsibilities, etc. are needed (Cohen, Eimicke & Heikkila, 2008). In this concern, communication skills will assist the leader to communicate with the employees at the workplace to run the operations of firm positively. It will be beneficial for the firm in terms of reducing the mistakes at the workplace along with improving the interpersonal relationships between management and employees (Fairholm, 2009).
In addition, written, verbal and listening all communication skills will reduce the chances of errors at the workplace as it will support to the documentation and delivery of right information to the employees, which would be effective to improve the overall performance of the organization (Cohen, Eimicke & Heikkila, 2008). Furthermore, participative leadership style will be followed in which employees will be involved in decision making. It would be beneficial as it will motivate the employees to give new and innovative ideas to improve the performance of firm and its products in the competitive marketplace (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano & Leduc, 2006). It will increase the sense of attachment among employees that will increase their contribution in organizational performance. So, to improve the standards of the organizational products, this leadership style will work as a motivational tool. Additionally, team working skills and ability to influence others are also needed to perform properly in the situation of a manufacturing firm (Cohen, Eimicke & Heikkila, 2008).
It is because these skills will increase the coordination among employees of the firm that will be positive in terms of maintaining the work-oriented environment at the workplace. In this, it will improve the quality of organizational products in the form of incorporating innovative and creative features in products due to the increasing contribution of employees. It would be significant to attract the customers and consequently revenue of the firm (Fairholm, 2009). Roles and responsibilities will be also fulfilled and completed effectively as it will reduce the chances of errors in organizational operations. Skills related to the application of theoretical approaches and models of management will be also needed to perform the tasks within the organization. It is because it will provide a conceptual theme and reason behind managing and taking any decision (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano & Leduc, 2006). Problem-solving skills are also needed to take decisions for solving the problems promptly at workplace. So, these skills are needed to perform the job of product development project leader along with improving the image and performance of the firm (Hardina, Middleton, Montana & Simpson, 2006).
Methods to Build Effective Relationship
According to the business condition of the manufacturing firm, relationships with peers and superiors will be maintained as it will reduce the level of conflict between employees and management. In this, the interrelationship method will be applied and used to build a strong relationship with superiors and peers. Through this approach, tools and techniques to maintain and build trust among the employees will be adopted (Peer Coworker Relationships, 2008). To reduce the conflict with peers and superiors, supportive functions will be adopted and executed. In this mentoring the factors those influence to the relationship at the workplace will be performed such as technology, race, gender, etc. In addition of this, to make an interpersonal relationship with superiors and peers, information exchange will be facilitated in which information will be communicated with peers (Clay & Olitt, 2012).
Additionally, similar respect and integrity towards peers and superiors will also help to maintain healthy relationship with them. It is because it would generate positive attitude among the peers and superiors towards project manager as it will reduce misunderstanding among them and will develop a positive and supportive environment (Peer Coworker Relationships, 2008). Clearness of each aspect in front of peers and superiors related to the business of firm will be also adopted as it will reduce the conflict between employees and management of the firm. It is because clearness of each aspect in front of concern people will motivate them to perform effectively that will increase their contribution to support the product development project leader (Hegar, 2011). The time spending with superiors and peers in with proper discussion and treat those people fairly will also help to develop a relationship with them at the workplace (Clay & Olitt, 2012).
ole for Participatory Management
To overcome the problems and to reduce the negative results from the factors those prohibits to the success of manufacturing firm in the marketplace, effective and influential role will be played. In relation of participatory management, role of leadership will be played in which sufficient and appropriate responsibilities will be taken into account (Hardina, Middleton, Montana & Simpson, 2006). It is because leadership is the best role to execute the participative management at workplace as leaders have ability to influence the employees. In order to execute and gain the positive benefits of participative management, effective decisions will be taken along with explaining and justifying reasons to take those actions and decisions. It will increase the faith of the employees over the decisions and encourage them to give positive response towards those (Robbins, 2002)
At the same time, as a part of the participative management, team working will be also supported positively as it will reduce the time for completing the project along with maintaining quality and cooperation in the operations. It is because it will ensure the effective flow of information at the workplace (Hardina, Middleton, Montana & Simpson, 2006). It will also retain the project managers at workplace along with retaining the key employees. As a part of the participative management, roles regarding the conduction of training and other programs at the workplace will be also taken as it will increase the skills and knowledge of employees and reduce operational inefficiency (Marks & Mirvis, 2010).
On the basis of above discussion, it can be inferred that participative leadership style and management will be beneficial in the current organizational situation as it will reduce the conflict among employees and management or project leaders. It can be also concluded that interpersonal relationships at the workplace will maintain trust that may increase the chances of organizational growth positively. Overall, it can be concluded that skills and methods those have been discussed above will be effective to create an innovative environment that will be enough to overcome the existing problems at the workplace.