Motivational Theories
There is similarity in Maslow’s theory, Hertzberg’s theory and McGregor’s motivational theories that they are used to motivate an individual and enhance his/her morale in order to improve his/her performance. Maslow’s theory focuses on human needs and their satisfaction, while Hertzberg’s theory includes three aspects like achievement, recognition and opportunity for growth to motivate the people (Erasmus & Schenk, 2008). Apart from this, McGregor’s theory concentrates on behavior of managers towards their subordinates and coworkers that have an influence on the relationship with employees and their motivational level.
As per Maslow’s theory, five needs should be satisfied to motivate the people. On the other hand, according to Hertzberg’s theory, hygiene factors and motivating factors play an important role in dissatisfying and motivating an individual respectively. Theory X of McGregor’s model supports an authoritarian approach to manage the people, while Y theory is a positive and participative approach that facilitates self-direction, self control and reward systems to motivate the people (Hoffmann, 2007). In my point of view, Hertzberg’s theory should be ascribed because it explains the factors, which can be controlled by the management and which are out of their control. Therefore, it is easy to apply this theory in broad issues that should be addressed effectively.
Key Motivators
As per my views, the main key motivators are an achievement, job challenge, and responsibility that can be useful to improve the performance of employees. Due to higher remuneration and position, a challenge to complete a particular task and responsibility, employees are motivated to work hard in order to satisfy their needs. In others’ views, there are other key motivators like job security, punishment, creativity, autonomy, positive organizational environment, job challenge, responsibility etc. that depend on individual needs and perceptions (Knights & Willmott, 2007).
It shows that some motivating factors of other students such as job responsibility and job challenges are similar to mine. Apart from this, some factors like punishment, benefits like vacations and accommodation expenses, innovation, job security, positive environment, etc. are different form factors that are mentioned by me. There are other motivators such as rewards, recognition, compensation, stability, carrier opportunities, job satisfaction, etc. that are common than others (Robbins, 2009).
Universal Motivators & Link between Coaching and Motivation
Certain motivator such as money is universal because money is important to fulfill most of the needs of individuals. Everyone wants to earn money and be stable in his/her life. It is necessary thing for each person to have money in order to fulfill his/her needs and requirements. Apart from this, stability is another universal motivator that can be applied everywhere because it provides consistency to life and avoid tension and stress in concern of job security (Phillips & Gully, 2011). Coaching can be linked to motivation because it provides carrier opportunities to people in order to improve their skills and knowledge. Therefore, it acts as motivational factor for a person to get opportunity to enhance skills that can be useful in carrier building in future.