Annotated bibliography assignment help of two references on innovation and strategic management.
Article 1 Farazmand, A. (2004).
Innovation in Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Capacity in the Age of Globalization.
Public Organization Review: A Global Journal, 4, 3-24. This journal article is prepared by Ali Farazmand in 2004. He conducted this research to find out the relationship between innovation and strategic management. In order to complete this research, he found the literature related to research objectives. This research study has main research objective to evaluate the relationship between innovation and strategic management of HRM. In this research, some evidence are also provided related to research objective. Along with this, this research addresses that innovation is a strategic instrument that shapes the traditional strategic human resource management in the age of globalization. This research focuses that innovation is a key to progress, development and sound governance and public administration. It is also important to invention and re-invention in all spheres of life, society, science, technology, and administration. To meet the challenges of globalization, capacity building is needed in areas of organization, management, governance, and administration all over the world. So, he concluded that innovation and innovative strategies in information technology, TQM, E-governance, strategic knowledge development, pay for performance, reform, benchmarking and other areas are helpful for capacity building. At the same time, this article argues that without human resource nothing can be accomplished, so, innovation shapes the traditional strategic human resource management in effective manner.
Article 2 Tidd, J. (2001).
Innovation management in context: environment, organization and performance.
International journal of management reviews, 3(3), 169-183: Research of Tidd (2001) provided an overview about the innovation management and the relevant contributions of organizational behavior and strategic management to develop a framework related to the environmental contingencies, organizational configurations, innovation management and performance. His research study suggests that the complexity and uncertainty of the environment affects the degree, type, organization and management of innovation. At the same time, it is more difficult to establish a relationship between innovation and performance. At the firm level, the relationship between innovation inputs and outputs is much weaker than industry level. To measure the innovation at firm level, there are some indicators such public domain, R&D expenditure, number of patents and new product developments. Along with this, this research study also discusses that product and process innovation affects the management and strategies of the organization. In the literature review of this article, Rothwell (1997) proposed a fifth-generation model of innovation management based on inter-company networking. In addition of this, complex and uncertain conditions of organization influence the product and process innovation and innovation management. So, for sustaining innovation in the organization, sound management and efficient resources are required. Thus, innovation is shaping the strategic management and performance of the organizations.
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