Conflict Management
In the conflict management first stage is related to the assessment of the situation that raise conflict at the workplace and second one is related to the gathering data related to the conflict. A third stage is related to the developing appropriate solutions to solve the conflict (Fenn & Gameson, 2003). In the fourth stage test the solution that it is good or bad for the firm in concern of solving the conflict. Fifth stage is related to the evaluation of the solution in concern of organizational benefits and conflict solution. In the sixth step, solutions are accepted or rejected by the management based on solution evaluation (Fenn & Gameson, 2003).
To resolve the conflict, the team should prepare the resolution in which conflict has to be acknowledged by the team members that can be done through discussion and communication. In this, everyone should be included. After this, appropriate solution will be developed in which each team member will participate those will use assumption, facts, etc. Through dividing the team into smaller groups, solutions can be analyzed. After analyzing such solutions appropriate solutions can be adopted in which each member has their own participation. So, it would be more effective in managing the team conflict (Hanlan, 2004).
Consequences of Behavior
The negative behavior of the employees steals productivity of the firm due to presenting a wrong way in front of other employees that affect to the entire organization and productivity of all employees. The negative behavior of the employee spreads culture of dissent in the workplace. For instance, if an employee always questioned over the leadership in reconstructive ways or having a poor attitude than its influence the behavior of other employees in a similar way in terms of affecting loyalty of other employees (Rosenstein & O’Daniel, 2006).
Similarly, such behavior also creates the wrong image of the firm among the customers through leading customer complaints towards employees. The negative behavior of the employees creates a negative culture in the workplace that harms to the performance and morale of other employees. It diminished the organizational growth and success. Internal turmoil is created in the workplace due to negative behavior of the employees (Martin, 2011). It is because to deal with the negative employees, actions can be taken by the management that may create groups within the organization and may harm to the overall organizational management system. It may also affect to the management decisions and business ability negatively that sheer the business into the wrong direction (Rosenstein & O’Daniel, 2006).