Training Need Analysis Assignment Help Sample Get 100% Original assignment help of all subjects…..24X7 Assignment Help Introduction Training needs analysis (TNA) process is a series of activities conducted to identify problems
or other issues in the workplace and to determine whether training is an appropriate response (Barbazette, 2006). This assignment is based on previous assignment in which current trends in training and best way of training of IBM to support its strategy were discussed. In this assignment, training need analysis in IBM will be discussed with the help of reasons, plan and various traditional training methods. Circumstances to conduct a TNA Training need analysis is conducted to examine the entire training needs of an organization or to support a particular project and change initiative within an organization. Conducting need assessment is fundamental to the success of training programs. There are various reasons and conditions in IBM to conduct a training need analysis such as: Identify specific problem areas: It is important for HR and management to know the specific problem areas, so, appropriate training will be conducted to solve organizational problems (Brown, 2002). For example, if a manager approached the HR department with a request for a communication program, the trainer should conduct a need analysis to identify the problem and develop an effective communication program. New hires: When company hires new employees, it creates differences among new persons in training programs. It is because new employees have different backgrounds, skills and knowledge.
Being new, they are not familiar with their new employers. So, it is important to conduct training need analysis to identify the weak areas of new employees in which training is required (Royse, Staton-Tindall, Badger & Webster, 2009). The earliest phases of the training must concentrate on company orientation in which organization policies and administrative details are covered. It is also a suitable time for organization to acquaint the trainees with what will be expected of him, and how he will be evaluated throughout the phase of training. Performance problems: When performance of employees within organization is decreased, it needs to conduct a training need analysis. A training need analysis provides accurate information regarding weak areas of employees that should be improved. A needs analysis often reveals the need for well-targeted training areas (McConnell, 2003). At the same time, training is not always the best way to fill a gap between an organization’s goals and its actual performance. So, the needs analysis gives a clear idea about the problem, all possible remedies and findings that helps to management to take a decision for best solution. New technology: For introducing new process or new technologies in the organization, it is important for IBM to conduct a training need analysis to identify the current skills and abilities of employees. To fulfill the gap between exit and required skills, organization develops necessary training programs (Bartram & Gibson, 2000). With the help of this, organization can know how the people will perceive change. In the absence of need analysis, organization cannot find why people are resistant to change and reluctant to training.
So, it is important for organization to conduct a training need analysis through which employees can transfer their newly acquired skills for their jobs and perform better. Training needs analysis in IBM The main purpose of training need analysis is to identify the performance requirements, knowledge, skills and abilities of workforce to achieve organizational goals. A needs assessment is the process of identifying the gap between performance required and current performance (Saks & Haccoun, 2011). So, for conducting training need analysis in IBM, here is a plan of TNA: Set the TNA in Context: In the first step, TNA will be set within proper context of the organization. It will be set with the business plan of the organization and identify the required skills and knowledge for this plan (Training Needs Analysis, 2006). Under this plan, each department, each section and each team will have specific objectives related to the overall organizational business plan. So, training manager will need to assist the relevant line manager for clarifying the objectives of the business plan. Identify the required Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors and Attitudes: In order to meet the business objectives, it is important to identify the required knowledge, skills and attitudes (Brown, 2002). Under this, skills and behaviors of individuals, teams and sub-units will be identified to develop effective training programs in IBM. Cascade Down from the Business Unit Level to Individual Roles: After identification of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes to meet the business objectives, it is important to know each individual role and responsibilities in business plan (Training Needs Analysis, 2006). Job descriptions for various roles will be useful to attain business objectives of IBM. Assess the current levels of Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors and Attitudes: The current level of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes will be assessed of each individual. In this task, performance appraisal systems will be helpful to provide individual information regarding skills and abilities (Brown, 2002).
Where gaps are identified, a training need exists in that area for the individual concerned. Collate the Material: In this step, the collected information related to gaps between required and existing levels of knowledge, skills and behaviors, for each individual will be collated at each sub-unit or team level. It will help to identify the training needs of the sub-units or teams. Collating the information of all sub-units or teams will then identify the training needs of the overall business unit of IBM and the Training Needs Analysis will be completed with this identification. Traditional training methods Traditional training methods are helpful to develop required skills, knowledge, abilities among employees to gain organizational objectives. There are various traditional methods such as: Presentation Methods: In presentation methods, trainees are passive recipients of information including facts, processes and problem solving methods. In presentation methods, lectures and audio visual techniques are oldest and most important training methods. In lecture, trainer communicates through spoken words what he/she wants to teach the trainees (Chandler & Brown, 2007). In this, communication of learned capabilities is one way from the trainer to learner. It is least expensive, least time-consuming ways to present a large amount of information in an organized manner and useful to train large groups of trainees. Various support tools are used such as charts, blackboards, PowerPoint slides and audio and visual instructions. Hands-On Methods: This method requires active involvement of the trainees in their own learning process. There are various techniques in hands-on-methods such as role playing, on-the-job training, case studies, simulations, games and behavior modeling (Hasan, Subhani & Rahat, 2010).
In these techniques, trainees can learn from following or watching the trainer and then perform the role play. In this, immediate feedback and advice is given to trainee and corrective actions are taken at that time. Team-Building Methods: These training methods are designed to develop team relationships or group effectiveness. In this, various activities are included such as games, simulations and challenges for group interaction (Landis, Bennett & Bennett, 2003). With the help of skilled facilitator, participants can learn and interact together and develop relationships. Along with this, trainees can learn how to work in teams and transfer their knowledge back to the workplace. Among these traditional training methods, hands-on-methods would be most appropriate for IBM to train their employees and develop skills in practical manner. In this method, on the job training, role playing and simulation will be useful for organization to train newly hired employees, upgrade their knowledge and skills for new technology and promote employees to their new jobs (IBM Systems Technical Conference, 2012). Along with this, these methods take less formal time for training and employees will learn by doing practical works under the trainer and supervisor. It is less costly and less time consuming training method, so it would be most appropriate for IBM to train their employees regarding new technology and systems. Computer based training Computer based training would be most appropriate for IBM due to its advanced features and benefits. In this training, advance hardware and software are used that can run on all computers.
The company can develop CBT programs due to increased accessibility to fast hardware (Scielzo, 2008). Along with this, CBT software also focuses on much more specific topics such as manufacturing quality, safety and productivity improvement. Along with this, CBT provides access to forms, checklists and other tools to help employees on the job. CBT also takes less time than classroom training and enable the training to be customized to meet a particular learner’s needs. There are various challenges and obstacles for the company to implement computer based training method such as requirement of software and hardware, registration, format and experts. IBM can overcome on these challenges and obstacles through various techniques such as: Registration: Registration for computer-based training is necessary when using Learning Management Systems that manage course administration functions. So, for the implementation of CBT, registration is the obstacle (Lee & Owens, 2004). For this, company would register itself while using online and computer based training. With the help of this, trainees can get online materials and view content online. Hardware and software: For implementing CBT in company, there is a need of appropriate software and hardware instruments (Scielzo, 2008). To overcome this obstacle, company would purchase necessary hardware and software to train their employees. With the help of registration, trainees can get training material online. Hire experts: For handling events such as corporate acquisitions, layoffs or leadership changes, specialized training courses are required and for these courses, experts are needed in the organization (Lee & Owens, 2004). To overcome this situation, company would hire experts who deal with special situation. Along with this, CBT offers tips and guidelines for handling volatile situations including legal considerations. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that training need analysis is important to identify the problems in specific areas. It is conducted in organizations when new employees are hired, due to poor performances of employees and implementation of new technologies. In IBM, training need analysis process is done to know the current skills, knowledge and abilities of employees that help to develop effective training programs. Along with this, in traditional training methods, hands-on method would be most appropriate for IBM due to its advanced features and practical training that saves time and cost of the organization. At the same time, organization can overcome on obstacles of implementation of CBT through registration, purchasing new hardware and software and hire experts.
References Barbazette, J. (2006). Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools, and Techniques, Volume 1. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Bartram, S. & Gibson, B. (2000). Training Needs Analysis Toolkit: A Resource for Identifying Training Needs, Selecting Training Strategies, and Developing Training Plans. UK: HRD Press. Brown, J. (2002). Training need assessment: A must for developing an effective training program. Public personnel management, 31(4), 569-578. Chandler, T. J. & Brown, L. E. (2007). Conditioning for Strength and Human Performance. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hasan, S. K., Subhani, M. I. & Rahat, O. (2010). Effects of business embedded & traditional training models On employees’ job motivation. Effects of Business Embedded & Traditional Training Models. 1-23. IBM Systems Technical Conference. (2012). Retrieved from: Landis, D., Bennett, J. & Bennett, M. (2003). Handbook of Intercultural Training. USA: SAGE. Lee, W. W. & Owens, D. L. (2004). Multimedia-based Instructional Design: Computer-Based Training; Web-Based Training; Distance Broadcast Training; Performance-Based Solutions. USA: John Wiley & Sons. McConnell, J. H. (2003). How to Identify Your Organization’s Training Needs: A Practical Guide to Needs Analysis, Volume 2. USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Royse, D., Staton-Tindall, M., Badger, K. & Webster, J. M. (2009). Needs Assessment. UK: Oxford University Press. Saks, A. M. & Haccoun, R. R. (2011). Managing Performance Through Training and Development. USA: Cengage Learning. Scielzo, S. (2008). Multimedia Computer-based Training and Learning: The Role of Referential Connections in Supporting Cognitive Learning Outcomes. USA: ProQuest. Training Needs Analysis (2006). Retrieved from: