Management Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization Conflict Management Strategies Following are strategies for managing conflict along their respective strengths and weaknesses: Accommodating Strategy: This strategy is used to evade the conflicts at entire basis. Accommodating strategy delegates
controversial decisions. In case of trivial controversies and impossible victory, accommodating strategy is used to resolve conflicts (Montgomery, Cook, Wagner & Hubbard, 2005). Strength of this strategy is that as a part of this strategy, other’s feelings are not hurt and default decisions are accepted. On the other hand, weak point of this strategy is time consuming in some cases that may affect the moral of parties. Compromising Strategy: This conflict management strategy is used to address both sides of conflicts to reach at acceptable strategy. It is used when both parties have equal power. This strategy is used by business people for contract negotiations, when there is something to lose by each party (Kautz, 2007). The strength of this strategy lies in the fact which states that it is helpful when the cost of conflict is greater as compared to cost of losing ground. In contrast to this, motivation and satisfaction of parties are affected if the outcomes of conflict are not as per their expectations. Collaborating Strategy: According to this strategy, ideas of multiple people are integrated. Creative solutions that are acceptable to all personnel involved are developed under this strategy. Needs of all people are considered (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). In other words, in this strategy, every person is considered important. Strength of this strategy lies in the fact that people are assertive in this strategy and cooperate to each other. Varieties of ideas are used to develop best solution of conflicts. At the same time, there are chances of biasness in accepting or rejecting the ideas given by people. Competing Strategy: Competing conflict management strategy is based on zero sum game in which, one party wins and other party loses. Strength of competing conflict management strategy is its use in case of resolving emergency situations or conditions that demand fast decisions (Zartman, 2008). For example, business people apply this strategy for crisis situations like recessionary period. At the same time, the weakness of this strategy is inequality of benefits, as one party that loses might lose trust in such kinds of strategies in future.
Considerations for Selection As per business assignment help experts there are various aspects that shall be used as considerations for selecting the best conflict management strategy. These are as follow: Applicability: Applicability of strategy shall be considered for selection to resolve the conflict. Ease of Execution: Execution easiness also determines the attractiveness of particular conflict management strategy. So, this factor shall be considered for choosing the right strategy for Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Company. Situation: Situation or context of conflict shall be considered as a determining factor for selecting strategy for managing the conflicts (Kautz, 2007).
Alternate Strategies On the basis of above considerations and available strategies for conflict management, it can be argued that collaborating strategy can be used to handle the conflict arise between David Nguyen and James Deal. It is so, as through this strategy, viewpoints of both the parties David and James would be considered to address their conflict that has risen due to some misunderstanding between them (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). This strategy would also help in reaching a creative solution that is best acceptable to David and James, as both are good employees and have positive performance reviews, so hurting to anyone is detrimental to the new project and its overall team composition. Along with this, ideas of managers of both the parties would be considered to develop a solution for the conflict raised between David and James. It would help in assessing all viewpoints effectively.
Possible Challenges There are several challenges of choosing collaborating strategy to resolve the identified conflict between David and James. These challenges can be discussed as follow: Resistance: It is possible for David and Jones to show resistance over collaborating strategy of conflict management (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). It is so, as for both they are right regarding the perception against each other. In other words, as per David, the impact over performance by James is correct. In contrast to this, as per James, the rumor is spread by David about his job leaving decision. So, these differences might take shape of more rigid overview about each other. Job Switching: It is possible that after using this strategy for conflict resolution, David or James may leave the job. It is so, as one of them might think that other one is favored. Impact over Performance: One challenge is impact over the respective performances of David and James. It is so, as it is not necessary that the final decision taken by the management regarding David and James is accepted by them by heart. So, this can resolve the situation at once for short time, but in longer term, it can result into huge impact over their performances. References Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T. & Marcus, E. C. (2006). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Kautz, R. (2007). Conflict and Conflict Management Strategies in North America and Indonesia. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Montgomery, J. G., Cook, E. I., Wagner, P. J. & Hubbard, G. T. (2005). Conflict Management for Libraries: Strategies for a Positive, Productive Workplace. USA: ALA Editions. Zartman, I. W. (2008). Negotiation and Conflict Management: Essays on Theory and Practice. UK: Routledge.
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