Consumer Behavior Assignment Help-Social Class and Social Status Consumer behavior refers to the nature of one person to buy a product and service from many. In present scenario, consumer
behavior mainly determines by social class and social status of a person (Lake, 2009). This business assignment help paper includes the characteristics of social class and social status and effect of these characteristics over consumer behavior. It also comprises, marketing strategies to attract a consumers from special class and status.
Characteristics of Social Class and Social Status In general term, social class and status seems similar or synonym of each other but in real both terms differs from each other. Both can be determined by different characteristics: Social Class: Social class can be defined as the division of social members on the basis of some elements. It is a universal fact that is available at every part of the world. The distribution of people generally based on their income level, wealth, occupation, family reputation, value of home and area (Assael, 2005). If a person belongs to higher income group, wealth, royal family is calculated into high and upper social class. Social Status: Somewhere social status is generated from social class but it can be achieved with efforts not heretical gain. Status is only devoted to prestige an individual develop with own devotion to some area or work. For example; a scientist who, has contributed in society welfare by discovery of laser technology get higher rank in compare to scientist who has made no such contribution (Lantos, 2010). In this example both relates to same class but occupy a different status in social system.
Impact of Characteristics on Consumer Behavior Capturing of consumer behavior plays important role in marketing strategies to present any product or service in front of market. The characteristics of social class and status facilitates various standards to take decision regarding product, price, promotion and distribution. A high income level person’s purchasing power is higher than low income group. Similarly, well reputed people only buy products that are costly in compare to others. A doctor prefers hygienic products for all people, but a labor class person cannot afford highest quality and hygienic foods and products due to low income group (Hoyer & MacInnis, 2008). Similarly, prestige is another important feature that changes consumer behavior vastly. People, who have established good status in society, think twice for choosing any product and service. Also, they only select clean and classy area to purchase their daily needs products (Blythe, 2008). In today’s culture, good prestige, income and wealth of people are more attracted towards malls which, includes facilities of air condition, escalator, easy billing system. Strategies to Attract Consumer from Specific Class and Status The customization of marketing strategies may include development of all strategies on the basis of specific class and status.
A good ranked person only buy product, which have effective brand image and can be purchased without wasting much time like, internet, one shop floor segment. Similarly, differentiation of product and service on the basis of different class may attract specific people like; high priced fairness creams attract only high income and prestige group (Pride & Ferrell, 2011). These classes help marketer to customize all marketing strategies because most of the time people choose products to communicate their role and statues in the society. Conclusion From the above discussion by Consumer Behavior case study help concluded that social class and social status are two important elements to identify consumer behavior. Every class and status has their different preference at the time of choosing product and service. References Assael, H. (2005). Consumer Behavior A Strategic Approach. Dreamtech Press. Blythe, J. (2008). Consumer Behaviour. UK: Cengage Learning EMEA. Hoyer, W.D. & MacInnis, D.J. (2008). Consumer Behavior. USA: Cengage Learning. Lake, L. (2009). Consumer Behavior For Dummies. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Lantos, G.P. (2010). Consumer Behavior in Action: Real-Life Applications for Marketing Managers. M.E. Sharpe. Pride, W.M. & Ferrell, O.C. (2011). Marketing. USA: Cengage Learning.