Deductive Argument Essay Writing Service
A Deductive Argument is a form of argument, where the conclusion logically follows from the given premises. If the
premises in a deductive argument are true and strongly support the conclusion, then the conclusion of the argument must be true (Becker, 2010). On the other hand our assignment help experts said that, a premise is a statement in an argument that gives support or reason for the argument’s conclusion. Premise has three parts like major premise, minor premise and conclusion. For example: All men are mortal (Premise) Socrates is a man (Premise) Therefore, Socrates is a mortal (Conclusion) In this deductive argument example, All men are mortal is the major premise.
In this, men are the middle term (M), while mortal is major term. Second, Socrates is a man is the minor premise (Weston, 2009). In conclusion, Socrates is a mortal, Socrates is the subject term (S) and mortal is the predicate term (P). In this, conclusion follows both premises logically. So, it is deductive argument. Along with this, a deductive argument may be valid or invalid, sound or unsound. If the conclusion follows from the premises, then deductive argument is valid. On the other hand, if the premises do not support the conclusion, then argument is invalid (Govier, 2009). At the same time, if the premises of the argument are true, then the argument is sound. If the premises are false, then the argument is valid, but not sound. A valid deductive argument may or may not be sound, but for the sound deductive argument, premises must be true and the argument is valid. Here is an example of valid but not sound argument: All birds can fly (Premise) A penguin is a bird (Premise) A penguin can fly (Conclusion) This is a valid argument, because conclusion follows premises. But a penguin clearly cannot fly, so premise “all birds can fly” is false. Thus, it is a valid, but not sound deductive argument.
For the valid and sound argument, conclusion must be true and premises support the conclusion (Weston, 2009). A sound argument has good logic and all true premises. For example, Cats have whiskers (Premises) Animals with whiskers are mammals (Premises) Cats are mammals (Conclusion) This argument is valid and sound, because it has true premises and conclusion and premises support the conclusion. References Becker, R. (2010). Criminal Investigation. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Govier, T. (2009). A Practical Study of Argument. USA: Cengage Learning. Weston, A. (2009). A Rulebook for Arguments. UK: Hackett Publishing Our assignment writing experts are from US,UK and Australia and that’s why we provide the country specific assignment help and case study essay assignment help to our clients. We also provide the original management assignment help, marketing assignment help, economics assignment help, finance assignment help and accounting assignment help at very nominal prices. Please e-mail us your assignment and get best and original assignment help from our assignment experts