Your visa may be rejected because of one or more reasons which may have a devastating effect on your future planning. Some of the reasons are mentioned by college assignment help experts:
A Mistake in filling the form:
The first and foremost step taken by applying for a student visa is to fill an application form and it is important that all the information filled in it is correct. If the applicant entered incorrect information, it may lead to rejection of application form.
Missing Documents:
All the documents are needed to be in English and arranged in a systematic way before submitting. VFS centers involve scanning process to ensure that all correct documents are present.
Documents not as per the standards:
It is important that all the information need to be present in a proper format. All the documents in regional language must be translated into English and must contain date signature, name and contact details of the translator.
Incorrect financial Information:
The applicant must have sufficient funds to meet tuition, living and traveling expenses. The documents may be demanded that to prove that you have required funds.
False representation:
Any false or incorrect information given by applicant may lead to rejection of student visa. In both interview and form, it is mandatory to give correct information.
Taking advice from unqualified experts:
If an applicant is seeking advice regarding student visa, he must ensure that the advisor is qualified. An advice from an unqualified person may lead to false information.
No intention of returning to your home country:
IF an officer feels that the applicant does not have an intention of returning to home country, the visa request will be rejected at that moment only.
Improper body language:
There may be many reasons connected with wrong body language like arriving late for an interview, negative attitude, improper dressing, ill-mannered, etc.
Lack of Knowledge:
The visa officer may judge from the level of knowledge you have, English language skills, information about the university you have and you’re thinking process.
Insufficient Research:
The applicant must have proper information about the university in which he wants to get enrolled and type of courses he wants to learn.
Previous Immigration background:
If an applicant is involved in violating visa rules previously, it may also have an effect on the decision of visa officer regarding student visa approval.
Appearing for interview:
An Interview is a meeting between interviewer and interviewee. The interviewer asks no of questions to applicants for which he is obliged to give correct information.
Poor academic credentials:
The applicant must ensure that he has proper information about the university to be attended, have proper English skills, and creditability. If there is any back, then the applicant must have a justified answer for it.
Source of income:
The visa embassy always sees the source of income of applicant in a home country. The source of income can be salary, business, rent, commission, etc.
Criminal Records:
There are questions present in visa form which is concerned with applicant’s criminal records. The person with any type of criminal record must not apply for a visa.