Change Management Assignment Help
In the process of change management, managers have to face the problem of resistance to change. People tend to resist change because new habits and sacrifices are required. In this paper, internal and external factors contributing resistance to change are analyzed. In addition to this, approaches for overcoming resistance to change are also discussed in this business assignment help paper.
Factors contributing Resistance to Change Due to the rapid changing environment, organization has to implement changes within the organization structure. It is analyzed that there are various internal and external factors that contribute individual’s resistance to change. Some of the internal factors are fear of unknown, status quo, lack of trust, difference in cultures and skill

obsolescence. These factors resist the individuals in order to accept the changes within the organization. As per business case study assignmment help experts, In case of fear of unknown, lack of certainty will create problem anxiety and threats among the employees. Moreover, employees do not want disturb their existing work environment and want remain in the status quo (Hoque, 2002). Lack of trust on the change agent is also one of the reasons for resistance to change. People also have to adopt new cultures and environment due to the changes, which forces the employees to resistant the changes. It is analyzed that whenever people feel that new machinery will poses degradation in their own skills, they simple resist change.
On the other hand, desire to maintain existing social interaction with people. Emergence of change will disturb the people existing social interaction, which will create the situation of resist to change. Change bought by the change agent is considered to be interference in the working of people. Different rules of other countries are some of the external factors that contribute towards the resistance to change. Failure of same policies regarding change in the competitors firm is the external factor that will resist change by the employees. Apart from this, word of mouth also resists people to accept change in the organization (Kratschmer, 2011). Therefore, it is analyzed that there are various internal and external factors that contribute towards the individual’s resistance to change in the organization. For example, organization has implemented new appraisal system for all the employees. One of the colleagues was not able to understand the benefits of new appraisal system in the organization. On the other hand, another employee is aware about the benefits of new appraisal system. So, former employee was resisting the change due to lack of understanding about the appraisal system.
Importance of Internal and External Factors in Resistance to Change It is analyzed that mainly resistance to change is caused by the internal factors. People within the organization are not ready to accept the change in the organization structure. It is analyzed that organization has to maintain the effective working environment in order to overcome the problem of resistance to change. External factors do put much impact on the employees within the organization. External factors are effective in changing the perception of individuals about certain thing. Employees working inside the organization structure can understand the overall working of company and accordingly they will resist change in the company (Stahl & Mendenhall, 2005). For example, failure of same technology in some other company will not necessarily affect the opinion of employees in another company. Organization implement changes in order bring innovation in the technologies and products and services. Thus, it is analyzed that internal factors are the main cause of resistance to change in comparison to the external factors.
Approaches for Overcoming Resistance to Change Kotter’s theory of change is helpful in overcoming the resistance to change among the employees in the organization. Kotter has developed eight steps model in order to overcome the problem of resistance to change. Increase Urgency: Manager should develop the sense of urgency for the need of change. This step will be helpful in motivating the employees for accepting the change. Powerful Coalition: In this step, manager should take strong leadership and visible support from the key people within the organization. Create Vision for Change: Organization should establish the strategy and vision in order to implement the change effectively. Clear vision will be helpful for everyone in understanding the need for change (Lambert, 2008). Communicate Vision: After creating the vision for change, manager should communicate this vision to every member who is affecting by implementing the change. Remove obstacles: Manager should remove the obstacles in implementing the change and should empower the actions by rewarding and recognizing the progress and achievements. Short term Wins: Giving your employees a feel of victory, early in the change process will be helpful in motivating the employees to accept the change. Consolidate Improvements: Organization should also focus towards making continuous improvements in the change management structure (Daft, 2009). Institutionalize New Approaches: Organization should institutionalize new approaches in order to ensure that change is seen in every aspect of the organization structure. Conclusion From the above discussion by case study assignment help experts analyzed that lack of trust, fear of unknown are some of the internal and word of mouth is the external factor that contribute individual’s resistance to change.
References Daft, R.L, (2009). Organization Theory and Design. USA: Cengage Learning. Hoque, K. (2002). Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry: Strategy, Innovation and Performance. USA: Routledge. Kratschmer, P. (2011). Organisational culture is highly resistant to change – Discuss. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Lambert, D.M. (2008). Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance. USA: Supply Chain Management Inst. Stahl, G. & Mendenhall, M. (2005). Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Culture and Human Resources. USA: Stanford University Press.