Recent Developments in Voter ID Laws
With lowest voter turnout rates among modern democratic political systems of US, several states have recently passed legislation imposing new registration and identification requirements. Since 2010, around 10 states have passed voter ID laws (Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, Kansas, and Wisconsin). Law passed by all these states is different. They have altering passing dates, some laws are waiting for preclearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, and others are in proceedings (Bardes, Shelley & Schmidt, 2008).
Pros and Cons of the Debate about these laws: Imposing new legislation and laws in regard to voting is significant as it is useful in stopping voter fraud. Voter ID is an effective mean to prevent cheating at the ballot box and guarantee integrity in the electoral system. On the other hand, the debate related to voting law also has some disadvantage like voters confront issues and problems in registration and obtaining photo ID. People living in rural areas or old age people have issues related to accessing ID offices (Keyssar, 2009). My grandfather living in rural area really confront difficulty to obtain photo ID since the law passed in 2010 as well as costly also to have required documents today. On the basis of above discussion, it becomes clear that wave of new authoritarian voting laws is definitely going to confront resistance from both the courts and the public, so the best way to end this struggle is to modernize the process of voter registration (Renshon, 2009). This will help the lawmakers in protecting the integrity of elections. References Bardes, B.A., Shelley, M.C. & Schmidt, S.W. (2008). American Government and Politics Today (15th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Keyssar, A. (2009). The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States. New York: Basic Books. Renshon, S.A. (2009). Noncitizen Voting and American Democracy. USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
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