Multi Party and Team Negotiations Case Study Assignment Help Difference in Planning Factor In this case study analysis assignment help given situation includes different parties in negotiation, so the planning for negotiation will be different from the single party negotiation. In the multiparty negotiation, the negotiator has to plan more alternatives than the single party negotiation (Luecke, 2003). In the situation, sales, marketing and manufacturing all three divisions has issues with each other, which cannot be solved through single party negotiation process. In the single party negotiation, the compromise can be facilitated with threats, deadlines and promises, but in this situation, the trade-off factor will be included. All the parties will be encouraged for the positive relationship with each other through trade-off between them, which is a different factor from the single party negotiation planning steps (Raïffa, Richardson & Metcalfe, 2002). The interest of all parties is required to be considered in multiparty negotiation.
Technique to Come at a Solution To facilitate a solution for moving forward in group negotiation is quite difficult for a negotiator. To facilitate the ability of group to come to a solution, the brainstorming technique will be used during the meeting (Guasco & Robinson, 2007). This technique will be beneficial for the negotiation as all parties in the negotiation will be encouraged provide a solution for the given problem. As per case study experts of Australia says that, this technique will be also effective to bring the more effective solution of the problem with the discussion of all parties. All the people in negotiation will be allowed to participate, which would be effective to obtain several useful solutions and will enable the negotiation process moving forward (Goodwin, 2002).
Use of Brainstorming in Virtual Meetings If all the meetings were held in a virtual environment then this technique will not be performed with a group in similar time period. It is because the meeting will be held across the time zones. In this, the negotiator will work across the time zones with all parties with the integration of idea generation, prioritization and proper planning for talking actions. The tool of communication will play an important role in this type of communication. At the same time, the discussion will not take place in this technique if it is performed in virtual meetings. A supporter for ongoing works will be facilitated, so that all parties could be aware about the views and options obtained from other party (Gibson & Cohen, 2003). Thus our business case study assignment experts said that the use of this technique will be different from face to face meetings. References Gibson, C.B. & Cohen, S.G. (2003).
Virtual Teams That Work: Creating Conditions for Virtual Team Effectiveness. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Goodwin, D. (2002). Negotiation in International Conflict: Understanding Persuasion. USA: Routledge. Guasco, M. & Robinson, P.R. (2007). Principles of Negotiation: Strategies, Tactics, Techniques to Reach Agreement. USA: Entrepreneur Press. Luecke, R. (2003). Harvard Business Essentials: Negotiation. USA: Harvard Business Press. Raïffa, H., Richardson, J. & Metcalfe, D. (2002). Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making. USA: Harvard University Press.