Epsilon is committed to protecting the privacy of the visitors of its websites through adopting Security Systems that is sensitive towards the privacy issue on the internet. As a part of this Marketing Assignment Help system, the firm allows to its users to access the web-site without providing any personal information. Additionally, to protect and ensure the effectiveness of its privacy policy, four principle governing information gathering and dissemination practices in the relation of the site is created by Epsilon. At the same time, “cookies” is also used by the firm at its website to track the users’ interaction with the firm. It helps the firm to maintain a record of the users who visit the website of the

firm. Furthermore, to reduce the threat of data security from the world’s sophisticated hackers, the firm introduced a new security feature to its IT infrastructure as it helps it to protect the privacy of the users or customers. In addition, the company also introduced stricter access requirements and a new two-factor authentication process at its website. It is because this system requires two forms of identification to access the services that also reduces the chances of a security breach. In addition, the company do not share or disclose the information or personal data to any third party without the prior consent of clients. As a part of the privacy policy, the firm shares the information of the customers with the family businesses of it that are able to address or respond to the customer inquiries. In the response to security breach and to restore the trust of the clients, the firm introduced new data security measure in its email marketing platform.
In this, new security feature regarding IT infrastructure is implemented and introduced by the firm to handle the security breach. On the other side, the authentication process is also used as a part of its information system to respond to the security breach in which the firm provides information to access the service of the firm. Industry standards are also implemented and introduced by the management of the firm to avoid any security breach in future. Security is taken by the firm seriously through meeting standards and requirements of safety and security of the data. Strategic Assignment Help experts told that , legislation is also implemented by the management of the firm to meet and notify the rules of the companies for avoiding the data breach. HITECH is also implemented by the firm as a response to a security breach that was effective and efficient to respond any breach. HITECH places stringent security breach notification requirements and timeframes for the entities and business who face data breach. Similarly, New Jersey’s Identity Theft Prevention Act is also followed by the firm to respond any security breach effectively and efficiently. The positive response of the firm towards security breach helps the firm to restore the faith of its customers over its services. If you looking for any topic assignment help then hurry up and please e-mail us your any business assignment help at info@www.assignmenthelpexperts.com